Notices by VikingWays (
How long can we go 1 trillion in debt every 100 days and this keep up? Actual question, I have no idea they can keep juggling the flaming swords.
Those idiots that purchased a 5/1 ARM would be shitting bricks.
I had to eat government cheese as a kid because of family issues, but the idea that because I had it shitty my children need to have it shitty, needs to be killed figuratively and literally with fire. My oldest has a very high IQ, a degree and still cant find good work because he's a high T, straight white male. This kind of rhetoric is tone deaf at best and at worst generates a lot more Luigis. I believe the time for a lot more Luigis is nigh.
I think a lot of people wanted him to somehow secretly be Iron Man, the richest man in the world suddenly turned based by jews and their filth making his kid trans. The idea he was and always has been a grifter, albeit an intelligent one that will say whatever needs said to be on top was too far a leap to make. Movies and their themes of the reformed 'profit above all' hero are hard to shake.
I can honestly say I dont even know what state this guy is from
This site needs a news feed so I know wtf is going on with "pager explosions". I'm signed up to some bots, but it needs a legit news feed.
The cartoon big-dog little dog syndrome where the little dog does the barking, looks back and the big dog has fled. Only in our case the big dog has hip dysplasia and rotting teeth.
I read this once, I'm going to read this a second time. For reference, do you mind giving me a summary on who this kike is? What's his official role (other than a great political commentary).
So essentially they are the sad, remnants of the Ottoman Empire clinging to relevancy through treachery. That was a bit wordy, I'll work on it.
It's unbelievable honestly. If I were to put that in a book people would be pissed off because "no one can be that under-handed after getting their life saved." Erdogan is like, "Hold my <insert Turkish alcohol here and I'm too lazy to look any up>."
Erdogan has to be the biggest turn coat this side of, well, the entire US foreign policy...err, nevermind
I've seen you mention this repeatedly and because that part of the world is not my specialty (yet), I just nod and agree and assume you have historical precedence for it. I'd love a dissertation when you feel like talking about turkroaches at length and why they are everyone's favorite House Frey.
Oh so someone watched Iron Man and thought seeing a Leopard tank would be like seeing Tony Stark flying out of the sky shooting rockets in his adamantium space suit. LO-FUCKING-L. "We are ruled by retarded women," might be the quote of the year. I may put that in my bio.
People sitting on their retirement as if that is ever how God planned you to spend your days, being worthless for twenty plus years riding around in an RV. Man was put here to work and worship and when too infirm, to be taken care of by his family until he meets his maker.
People had very long lives in the Bible and days beyond. They are finding skeletons of 75+ year old Norsemen in a few of the recent dig sites, if we trust their methods. I am not against retirement, I'm against this jew life that's been peddled since the 50s and the way it's implemented. Intent and structure are everything, that we agree.
Thank you very much for the details!
My brother has done well in bitcoin, and gold. His only regret was that silver may never return to its traditional 8:1 ratio (he and I bought quite a bit of it at around 22.00 an ounce) due to it being moved to an 'industrial metal' status instead of precious as it was in the past.
Without getting MC Slater on me, can you explain your last sentence in more detail?
Are you trying to say the jews arent maliciously trying to collapse your society?
I prefer Destination Hadrian, because he actually won.
Hispanics need a king
New Scandia is near.
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