The eternal roach keeps on roachin'
- Kenny Blankenship likes this.
I've seen you mention this repeatedly and because that part of the world is not my specialty (yet), I just nod and agree and assume you have historical precedence for it. I'd love a dissertation when you feel like talking about turkroaches at length and why they are everyone's favorite House Frey.
Erdogan has to be the biggest turn coat this side of, well, the entire US foreign policy...err, nevermind
@VikingWays This is average turkroach behavior on a day that ends in -Y
[And remember that the Russians literally saved his worthless life during the 2016 coup]
It's unbelievable honestly. If I were to put that in a book people would be pissed off because "no one can be that under-handed after getting their life saved." Erdogan is like, "Hold my <insert Turkish alcohol here and I'm too lazy to look any up>."
@VikingWays It's really difficult to explain how despised the Turks are by everyone. Western Euros hate them. Eastern Euros hate them. Americans hate them. Russians hate them. Arabs hate them. Syrians REALLY hate them.
But due to geopolitical circumstances everyone is forced to work with them
There's a reason the 'roach' meme cuts them so badly