To deflate the money supply would crash the economy so hard that there would be an insurrection.
@judgedread 'Tall Paul' Volcker pulled off curbing inflation in the 1980s by hiking interest rates to 20%+ ('shock therapy') as Fed Chairman
Would be amusing to see the experiment repeated during fat orange retard's tenure
@TrevorGoodchild The conventional view of that is that the tax cuts acted as a Keynesian stimulus, counteracting the high interest drag, thus a booming economy by 1983 despite what would be seen as outrageous rates today.
Also the feds didn't owe $33 trillion in 1981...
@judgedread @TrevorGoodchild iirc around ‘82/‘83 boomers in big numbers started getting into the stock market, which had been stagnant for like 15 years. Today the market’s been super inflated by decades of QE/Fed back door manipulation
@DW2 It took 53 years for retail investors to get over the trauma of 1929.
@judgedread Crazy to look at a long term graph of the S&P 500 and see prolonged periods of time where the Big Line did not go up
@VikingWays @judgedread It is mathematically impossible unless tangerine idiot wants to go full Argentina and default default default
(This will not happen)
Those idiots that purchased a 5/1 ARM would be shitting bricks.