The Romans had active fighting legions all over the Mediterranean at this point, and would have suffered and plausibly lost the war if Hasdrubal's army was able to merge or coordinate with Hannibal's. Their manpower was at its limits.
Hasdrubal crossed the Alps and was marching in from the North. He was met by two consular armies, led by Livius and Licinius. The opposing forces encamped.
In the South, following the Fabian Strategy, Nero led another consular army and was keeping Hannibal tied up. He, alone, realized that if he could surprise Hasdrubal with his own army, reinforcing the Roman position, he could enact a decisive victory and likely save Rome.
So he snuck his army out in the middle of the night. The whole lot. All of them quietly walking away, leaving only a token in their camp to maintain the appearance that they were still there. It worked. Hannibal had no idea that they were gone.
They marched the entire length of the Italian Peninsula in a matter of days, night and day, entered the Roman camps at night and shared tents to hide their numbers. Along the way, they brought nothing but their weapons. The People met them on the road and gave them everything they needed.
They immediately attacked. Hasdrubal was confident of his victory over two consular armies, and was surprised by the third. His entire army was destroyed and he himself killed. Nero immediately left and marched the length of the Italian Peninsula a second time. Hannibal had still not discovered that he had gone, when he returned.
The Second Punic War, for Carthage, was over at that point. Rome, with one maneuver led by one madlad, had changed things from probably-losing to likely-winning. Hannibal could not reinforce or supply his army by sea, and the reinforcing land-force was gone.
Scipio deserves full credit for beating Hannibal face-to-face, but Nero changed the course of the war.
@KarlDahl@judgedread The weird part is: the jew is using brown as their foot soldiers. If they were to win, they'd immediately be killed by brown, who've been conditioned to hate everyone who looks a certain way. Which the doppelgangers do.
Which means they can't win.
(I've been working with @ThePoastmasterGeneral in DM's to remember the name of a book, and I can't, but related to the below)
The jew began a period of really high-intensity subversion back in the 50's; really more of a culmination of decades of effort, rather than a beginning. The point being that they convinced Whites that there was no point in trying. We're, today, experiencing a level of cultural apathy. We don't think it's worth trying, as everything we do leads to failure.
But, that's because of the conditioning. We were taught to believe a certain set of ideas, like having children is 'bad' but we still need workers so immigration is 'good'.
This is where Dread has convinced me that the way forward is Total Control over the media. Because the message itself needs to be corrected. They spent centuries tearing it all down, beginning with the Enlightenment. We need to prepare for Civilization 3.0. We can only do that if we acknowledge that people can be conditioned to believe anything. From there, control the message.
The problem comes from the obvious nefariousness of anyone who would WANT to control the message. It's the old trap of - anyone who wants absolute power can't be trusted with it.
For the jew, it's easy. Just destroy everything. Even if it leads to their own death. Because they aren't actually that smart.
This statement doesn't really emphasize strongly enough that THERE ARE NO MIDDLE AGED WOMEN WORKING AS RECRUITERS.
A few years back, they were all pajeets. Today, there's a marked uptick in young White Men and women working in these roles. They take them as jobs, not as careers. And they Oh. So. Very. don't give a shit about the job itself as they're being paid pajeet wages to perform a role that is slightly more complex than pajeets were able to perform.
Because why? Because it turns out, recruiters only have value (i.e. aren't fired for being failures) when they can find competent people capable of performing.
@TrevorGoodchild@SpoopyAnon@Shadowman311@EscapeVelo@jb I'd read a related study recently that linked the increased depression in women directly to the increased use of social media on smartphones; the depression exploded at the same time that their dopamine hits leapt owing to all of those Likes.
This particular study talked about the big-four names who founded Facebook, Instagram, (and others I can't recall) who were discussing in a meeting that they knew the tiny little dopamine hits that come from getting Likes would become addicting, and they went forward anyway. They knew Facebook would become an addictive psychological disorder, and determined that that was a net-positive for them and would exploit it for all it was worth.
@Marshall1Banana@ForbiddenDreamer I think this is what happened to GenX and each generation following to an ever increasing degree. Demoralization. With GenX it started when 1/3 of us were killed while still in the womb, and the eternal boomer let us know why. More, they bragged about snipping their own balls voluntarily, or sterilizing their women with hormones or surgery. When we were children, Elementary Schools were closing all around for lack of pupils.
The Millennials suffered worse. They were still being "overpopulationed" while at the same time competing with the brown. More, they had no connection whatsoever with the old ways, other than maybe some references on TV and in movies, references they didn't really understand and couldn't relate to.
Then came GenZ, the zoomies. It's not even relevant to put them into a demographic group like the others. "Americans" are Whites with family that traces back to the foundation of the nation (this applies equally to Europeans in their own nations). We fought in the Revolution and the Civil War. We broke sod, cleared forests, and built railroads.
GenZ are a tiny, tiny demographic group of young Whites surrounded by brown invaders, and they have nothing in common with either their forebears or the pillagers. They don't qualify for gibs, they can be rejected for jobs, and they're mostly adrift.
I've been saying for a long time that things are going to get much worse. The "worse" will happen when these young Men realize, really acknowledge deep down, that the current organization of this "civilization" exists to cripple them, and the best thing that could happen to them personally would be its total destruction.
There are those of us capable of saying "No, we should fight to take it over". This is immaterial to them. Our voices are outside of their group. We are outsiders as well, to them.
When they are ready to act, they'll burn it all down. No one has proven themselves their allies. They will act alone, and they will be unstoppable.
Because middle-aged Men are not capable of the physical prowess necessary to fight 20-year-old Men bent on destruction. It would only require one single Man from our group, capable of relating and speaking their language, to unify all of them. One. With an army. Seeking not vengeance, but chaotic destruction.
They'll win. Anyone capable of standing against that tide has been too demoralized to act.
EDIT: Adding one additional point that should not be left out: women love dangerous Men. When they decide to act, they'll be swimming in pussy. Alone, that will be enough positive-reinforcement to keep going.
@judgedread The truly great irony about all of this is the cable providers could have staved off this disaster if they would have just done what they were told to do and shitcanned their package-deals in favor of à la carte.
ESPN was the most expensive, by far, and the core of every package. It also played no interesting sports of any kind.
I left cable over a decade ago. I'd still have it if I could have (at the time) chosen History, Discovery, and a couple others. Cable gave us the finger and told us they'd only allow us to purchase their packages.
Now they're suffering. I would have continued to tolerate commercials. Now? No.
@VikingWays@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta@TrevorGoodchild the problem with the way they taught us about "average life span" was in their failure to mention the pyramidal shape of that breakdown. Worse, that most deaths were of children, as children have not-yet fully-developed immune systems; couple that with the fact that children can make horrifying mistakes, like running and tripping directly into a fire, and pre-pubescent children dying was common.
In school, they didn't tell us that. They just said "average lifespan was 33" and left it at that. The reality is that if you made it to adulthood, you had a fair chance of making it to old age.
@RTB We're in the window that was predicted, for when the cancers would begin killing people. I'm in the middle of arranging multiple funerals. All dead from cancer. All deathjabbed.
I sincerely hope this is read and understood for what is meant by this, my truest meaning here:
There can be no forgiveness. They must be made to suffer, then perish.