Isaiah 3:12. As for my people, their oppressors have stripped them, and women have ruled over them. O my people, they that call thee blessed, the same deceive thee, and destroy the way of thy steps.
I have the audio version. Pray I don't post it.
@dictatordave @jb @ACL9000 @AngryWraith The industry I work in, I have recruiters contacting me constantly. C.O.S.T.A.N.L.Y.
They aren't angrycunt middle-aged women.
This statement doesn't really emphasize strongly enough that THERE ARE NO MIDDLE AGED WOMEN WORKING AS RECRUITERS.
A few years back, they were all pajeets. Today, there's a marked uptick in young White Men and women working in these roles. They take them as jobs, not as careers. And they Oh. So. Very. don't give a shit about the job itself as they're being paid pajeet wages to perform a role that is slightly more complex than pajeets were able to perform.
Because why? Because it turns out, recruiters only have value (i.e. aren't fired for being failures) when they can find competent people capable of performing.
Which this angrycunt guaranteed can't do.
@jb @ACL9000 @AngryWraith the company she works for will fail because she'll gate keep qualified people out
so she'll be out on her crusty ass, having to compete with younger women who aren't dusty old cunts with an axe to grind
career women are stupid and childish and shouldn't be given power, clearly
also no amount of being a cunt is going to make them young or pretty and i think that hurts them the most, that and the lack of respect that they cannot make up for any way they try
@AngryWraith unrestricted women are monsters
She’s begging for a strong man to pimp-hand her and put her out of her boxed-wine, cat-infested hellish existence
Unfortunately for her she has chosen a path from which she cannot turn back