Notices by dictatordave (
the things women do when handed freedom
@DW2 ahh, god damn, thank you this is amazing
can we just take a look at and appreciate the sheer beauty of the wild ride that brought us to the intersection of reality that produced this meme
decades and decades all colliding
and i'm glad there's a bunch of confused zoomers right now, fuck those niggers and their bit of youth they have left
@Mister_Sunshine @DW2 at least you are pretty sure she wont whip out a dick, but ya never know these days
@DW2 so they didn't really hit their goals, they just filled up more administrative spots with cunts who wont be front line and will just be an even bigger drain on the tax payers, while missing time because of biological weakness and mood swings
great, yay, empowering women strikes again
@ArdainianRight @Svantovit @Terry @anonmoose90 i think it was legacy of ashes that talked about the dulles brothers and their wall street clients who financed the reich
mfw jews in nyc were more toxic to jews in europe than anyone else
@ArdainianRight @Svantovit @Terry @anonmoose90 they're arm chair faggots, if they were real communists they'd have killed the millionaires, seized the water and told anyone who didn't like it to fuckin deal
no one can take a hard stance anymore
@Terry @ArdainianRight @Svantovit @anonmoose90 commies
>eat the rich reeee
also commies
>yea its fine if these rich people control our state's water
@DW2 >omg we slaughtered children with a tank that were trying to get food, i dont understand why people are upset with us, oy vey it must just be antisemetism
@Jonny @Xenophon @disclosetv notice how it wasn't an adult thing until a bunch of morons who live a lifestyle that makes them sick and weak started taking more pharma shit to 'totally protect them'
i wish i could sell these retards radioactive water to kill them off faster
@ArdainianRight i love the fear that its generated and the wake up call to shit fucks
>wait you all dont love us?
>>no, in fact we dont care if you get shot indiscriminately on the street
you know who would do this work for cheap, feral ghetto nogs
@ArdainianRight ideologies and what not are for comfy arm chair mofos that can afford it
we're quickly running out of that decadent bs
is the lawyer class and their pets really worth holding onto?
@ArdainianRight and they wont see any sympathy or compassion from us
i'm fine with total war against non whites, what do we have to lose?
@Jonny @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Grumblesock @Sideshow_Jane i need a longer cut jon
@GrungeQueef @matrix >wrecking the gaming industry to put your dick in a 2, priceless
@RapistGoku you know whats great about the flouride, its not something the feds can control, locally people can just demand an initiative to have it stopped
see, we dont need the feds at all, its all a fucking illusion propped up by the feds
@Eiswald @BasedLord @matty @Owl @Turdicus dude keeps up a pretty good clip running while screaming
@leespringfield1903 @WashedOutGundamPilot if it saves one life, isn't wiping israel off the map worth it?
@sun @matrix lol you're showing your age
had a talk with a zoomer bro about how we've gone nowhere the past 2 decades while in the 90s its was every other fucking week we were hit with a new console new games new innovation
now its all just faggotry and nig nogs and they can't even release a game without a space program's worth of effort and shielding by every major corporation
@brittbratt_fingerpuppet @TrevorGoodchild @Rasterman @RaHoWaJoe there's a trailer park near where i live and its full of beaners, and of course the state just assumes i'm fine with my school taxes going up because now they have 2 buses to pick up all these kids
i'm sure this wont result in a crime wave in 10 years
@matrix programmed by scrapping reddit tier faggy takes
so its still the sentiment of a bunch of commie faggots who are all going to get the mass grave, not a question of if but when
my point still stands, glr made this obvious 60 years ago at brown, maybe you should dig deeper
am i being detained!?
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