Notices by Dr. Btc (
Gen Flynn is ready to name the jew
But we're not founders or executives nor will we benefit from the long unpaid nights anytime in the future. We are employees trading time for money and nothing more.
So I guess good luck with the uninspired jeet army and lack of innovation for years to come.
American Indians you either have casinos or drunken rampages. Very little in-between
2021 proved that these jobs can be filled when they become desperate enough to raise wages. Ofc corponiggers got really scared the peasants started to bargain. With musk and vivik in trumps ear, cant say i am very confident the outcome will be good. The whole we need more talent thing is all a smoke screen, they want cheap labor.
The international pajeet
on it's own its actually good for keeping brain function healthy
I think it was the libertarian leaning guys who made them cool but once they realized they were never getting anything out of the party they left and formed their own groups. Then there was nothing to slow libs/dems down from becoming complete degenerate fags.
>not mentally able to care for a child
A mouse can care for children, a dog, birds, monkeys, for millions of years based on their genetic instincts alone.
Every single one of these people are full on escaped the mental hospital crazy
These harpies are going to get scammed so they can repay the 20m debt and it will be hilarious
There was an ai propaganda video warning of this scenario and Vance being super hitler. Trump could die from a stroke, heart attack being he's 79 and pushing himself too hard.
I think its just normal barbecue food with teriyaki and pineapple on top
I liked having custom roms but gay ass volte made that basically impossible.
Interesting hope they keep making progress on this, it was a major roadblock.
They're considered as some of the whitest of people which makes their blood boil.
The glory days our parents or grandparents had is long gone. They could take courses at a CC and land a job in an exciting emerging field. No pajeets to fight over for crumbs, no faggot team building shit, reasonable hours. Everything is turning into on giant sweatshop but with a nicer label slapped on it.
A socialist made a eating the dogs remix, it goes viral as a pro trump video and completely freaks out 🤣
That's what I mean, progs definitely have a style about them and way too many bright tattoos. You see the signs and just know it's best to avoid. Kind of funny how appearance can give a lot of clues about a person.
They're just total faggots all around who aren't going out with friends and doing anything fun. I couldn't stand the thought of being home alone back then and was always trying to get to a function. More proof of how bad things really are, its a rite of passage every generation has enjoyed.
We called it being emo in 2005 but it made us feel better going to a show or hanging out with friends. We had our issues to but i get it that shit sucks more now. A lot of the cure was saying fuck it and doing some stuff with friends where you forget about it for awhile. Nothing really matters out in world when you are drinking some beers in a backyard patio around the fire.
Dr. Btc
Bitcoin is the solution
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