I was married to a Korean girl for five years. She was beautiful. Within a month of getting married she was arrested by the MPs for stealing over $800 in merch from the PX (she didn't need to; I was an NCO and made enough). We had a daughter. Within a year of our daughter's birth, she was black marketing in a serious black marketing ring, off post. Then I found out she was banging the BDE HHD 1SG while I was deployed. She met him at church, of course.
> "they neither look nor act like niggers, they don't fetishize or worship niggers"
That old stereotype of the Asian female is rapidly disintegrating. It still exists, and there are virtuous Asian girls out there, but more and more they associate with niggers, fuck niggers, dress like niggers, talk like niggers, and act like niggers.
"Taylor Swift turns 35 on December 13, and over the years, she's often been asked where she sees herself at this age. 'We exist in this society where women in entertainment are discarded by the time they're 35,' she said in 2019. And she once speculated that by her mid-30s, 'I don't know if I'll be onstage.'"
What's the mailing address for the Swifties fan club? We should start mailing her empty egg cartons...
Taylor Swift: c/o Taylor Swift Enterprises, 242 W. Main St. # 412, Hendersonville, TN 37075
20+ years ago I did shit. Some of the poast faggots like to wet themselves over it, like they even know what it is. People do shit, then they find out that they were lied to, and they stop doing shit. Life is like that.
Three of my sisters are leftoid snowflakes. One of them was demanding that I acknowledge pronouns, and I basically just said "no, I refuse to participate in your Mad Hatter's Tea Party". The phrase hit home just long enough to stun her, which was amusing. I am now a bully and a bigot, though.
Would you like to see all the fucks I had for her argument?
That said, the Whisperers in Washington DC are extremely effective, and I'd imagine the pressure placed upon targeted individuals is extreme in ways we cannot imagine. The whole city appears to be homosexuals, meddling housewives, bitter, vindictive wall-impacted females, and gloating jews.