@ArdainianRight absolutely... they try to frame it as men are trying to take their right to "healthcare". women have over the last 50 years convenced the system to force men to be economicly responsible for women's bad choices. because of this, at this point, I don't know a single breeding age male who wants to deny women acces to abortion for any reason.
@NitroDubs "just in the course of my own short life thus far, there are places I went not all that long ago that were awesome, fun, clean, and safe that are now infested with aspiring rappers and welfare tourists – and nobody speaks English."
@Eiswald@Marshall1Banana well they allow NGO to.... but then again someone has to be on the ground there local... from the NGO. if they show up, make their life's uncomfortable. I'd be getting a the local churches news letters to search for interaction with resentment NGO.
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux@DEERBLOOD your excessive level of Jew hate doesn't support this claim. nothing insights antisemitism like the foreskinleasiness for a goy. this is the hate of a cut cock.
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux@DEERBLOOD I hear a Jew made a wallet out of you foreskin. when he rubs it, it turns into a suitcase he uses on business trips to Israel.
Chief Editor: Only Fan Adjutant General for Disinformation. #MaskedStranger #WAF #WhiteCommunityOrganizer #TrollOfInfiniteJest gab.com/VIc_FUryPronouns: Dude, Bro, Goy [encouraging irreversible transmogrification of the youth is unforgivable.]The internet is a never-ending a<>b shit test ran at the speed of outrage.