Notices by Marakus (
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight I unironically think that Monty Python and the Holy Grail damaged modern view of the middle ages beyond recovery. People complained about the Northman "why do they have teeth? No one had teeth back in the past! Why they look so clean? No one cleaned themselves in the past!". People really consider MP to be the most accurate movie ever.
@Inginsub @PurpCat @xianc78 @tadano
@NitroDubs @cowanon And flat earthers never hurt anybody, but they showcased all the time, as if its a fucking problem.
@HonkHonkBoom @Turdicus @Moto_Chagatai In the story they cant afford meat anymore.
@Moto_Chagatai >even if everything they say is true, and aliens want to enslave humans, they cant just talk about it between themselves, its a crime!
I wonder how a person with 0 self awareness lives. Is it literally emptiness of npc in their mind?
@SpurgAnon @LoliHat @Moto_Chagatai @poopernova >Otherwise some nigger could just point at a pardon they received while in the middle of committing federal crimes.
They can and they will. Rules dont apply to rulers.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @BasedLord You see anon, this is how normalfags are taught to think. Who would want to conscript, to fight against competent enemies?
@brimshae Makes perfect sense.
@smugumin @Hoss @DrRyanSkelton He tried to pull all of it by himself, which was also a big mistake. Even with the power of god, he was one guy against army of glowniggers. If it happened irl, some autists would probably find him within a week.
>crosscheck every dead criminal within a month
>most of them were mentioned in specific cop database, tv broadcasts
They would narrow it down to a specific region, and assuming access records to database, they would know it was either him, or his dad. And if things went as normal, cops would just murder him after learning that he was a suspect. World of anime with death gods is less brutal than our reality.
But its fun to think about the world where everyone is a faceless anonymous.
@TrevorGoodchild I wonder if it will work when "I am not dying for israel" is a common meme. My guess would be extreme amount of propaganda with "voluntarily" propaganda from some "tough guy" faggots who bitch about cowardice, and how people are too scared to die in war for israel, because they are woke or some shit.
But they probably will move to "if you want to afford anything, you have to serve in army" with price hikes, new random taxes, migrants, etc. When trickery doesnt work, they use money. When money doesnt work, they use force.
@mona >its evil because I dislike it!
90% he will be arrested for pedophilia related crimes. There is absolutely nothing wrong, and everything right with cute things. But for some reason fags hate it. I bet all of them are "hobbies are for VILE MAN, REAL MAN ENJOY NOTHING IN LIFE EXCEPT WOODWORKING AND SPORTSBALL!" or just some faggy nerds, pretending to be "trad".
The reason why everyone hates nigger is not due to their skin color, its because of their character. Black skin is considered ugly not because its ugly, but because awful people have it. Without niggers black skin would be perfectly acceptable.
And its the same with monkeys. People say niggers look and act like monkeys, an as result say that monkeys are terrible animals, but its not the fault of the monkey. As animals go, monkeys are incredibly smart. But due to their similarities to niggers, they have bad reputation, not the other way around.
Nigger traits are bad not because they are somehow terrible, but because niggers have them.
And its the same as their name. Call them blacks, and it becomes a slur. Nigger literally meant "black", but it become a slur because it depicts something terrible. Now matter what word you use for them, it will become a slur.
Also, american nigger worshipers cant seem to comprehend the idea of sunbathing and tan.
@TornadoOfTerror @Meemoo Perpetual victimhood.
@ArdainianRight @Floydian_Psychology @PraxisOfEvil >All races are themselves mixtures of previous races
No, they are degraded version of Europeans. People moved out of Europe through millions of years, only to die out, over and over again. Non Europeans are just leftover remnants or cross generational hybrids. Some stabilized in their niche like chinks and niggers, but others were just going to die out sooner or later. Polygamy/rape based reproduction/extremely small population genepool leads to mutant abominations, and this is why all other races look the fucking same.
@PraxisOfEvil Pajeet flag in the name really ties it all together.
@monsterislandcolonizer @WashedOutGundamPilot @Groomschild Mute midget was cute too.
@monsterislandcolonizer @WashedOutGundamPilot @Groomschild
@egirlyuumimain @Groomschild To be fair, some of the demons are really attractive, and half as evil as real life woman.
@Elliptica @DW2 Have you tried reading the second picture?
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