Imagine being this dumb.
Agricultural revolution in the Middle Age.
@MK2boogaloo wtf aren't you supposed to be working
@niko who are you?
@MK2boogaloo your mom, I guess
My understanding is there was a collapse in large-scale interconnected systems in the couple of centuries after the fall of Rome that could be considered a "dark age," though it wasn't necessarily bad for living standards as local systems picked up the slack, there just was a lot less art, literature, trade, etc. And this only really was true for a couple of centuries, the Middle Ages were often innovative and dynamic, as mentioned here.
@niko wtf mom what are you doing in my racist website?
@ArdainianRight we shouldn't call it the Dark Age because it was something made by Liberals in the Enlightenment period to make Christianity look bad.
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight I unironically think that Monty Python and the Holy Grail damaged modern view of the middle ages beyond recovery. People complained about the Northman "why do they have teeth? No one had teeth back in the past! Why they look so clean? No one cleaned themselves in the past!". People really consider MP to be the most accurate movie ever.
Middle Ages are more neutral, though it still has a liberal bias in depicting Antiquity and the Renaissance/Early Modernity as the more important ages, even though the Medieval period was mostly better than antiquity, and a lot of the worst stuff associated with the Middle Ages actually happened in early modernity and were part of the shift away from medievalism.
@ArdainianRight I prefer either calling the period Middle Ages or Medieval Era, they both sound better to me.
I'm fine with either personally.
The “dark age” and “enlightenment” is a Protestant smear campaign against Christianity intended to divert attention from the major problems of Protestant justifications for their insanely destructive division.
But really what matters is getting away from the gay Reddit conception of the Middle Ages as everyone being retards who were always covered in poop, spent all their time burning witches, and were subject to the whims of absolutist monarchies.
@ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo The elite don't want you to know this, but the people of the Middle Ages had better hygiene than the powdered wig enlightenment libtards.
@wgiwf @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo Both the Middle Ages and the Enlightenment era were cool in their own ways
@ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo After the fall of Rome before the rise of Charlemagne, from about 500 AD to 700 AD is the closest thing that could be considered a "Dark Age".
@Eternal_Iratus @ArdainianRight @wgiwf the Enlightenment was cool but not as cool as the mythical Medieval age where the spring of western civilization happened.
@wgiwf @MK2boogaloo
Yeah, that's the period I was referring to.
@wgiwf @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo There was no Dark Age nigger it was the fucking Early Middle Ages oh noes the Western Roman Empire is now dead big bad times ahead because muh HRE muh Charlemagne aka muh Charles the Butcher if there's anyone you should blame for the term it's that Tuscan motherfucker Petrarch.
@ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo Even then things didn't really turn for the worse, outside of large scale infrastructure of the Roman Empire decaying in most places, just that the trade network of Rome and it's industry collapsed. The Byzantine East never had a similar occurrence until the fall of the Empire to the Turks.
And that’s arguably because of poor recorded history as opposed to bad happenings in comparison to other times
@ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo
@MK2boogaloo I'm monitoring you if you behave like a good shakaijin or not
@niko fuck off
@LordMordred @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo There is a distinct difference in the post-Roman period to the time after the founding of the HRE and the removal of Byzantine control over Rome. For a few centuries the Pope was to varying degrees under the control of the Byzantine Emperor. This earlier period should be referred to as the Post-Roman or Byzantine period and the age of Charlemagne kicks off the early Middle Ages.
@LordMordred @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo Scholars just deciding that from the fall of Rome in the 5th century until the reformation over a thousand years later being one historical period is dumb.
@wgiwf @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo Wait till you realize scholars also consider that the Stone Age had lasted 2.5 Million years
@Leyonhjelm @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo I think that is the origin of the term "Dark Age" itself. One shouldn't be surprised the best record keeping practices weren't being employed in a period of geopolitical instability and migration.
Along with low literacy thanks to those things. Even if recorded, record survival is poor in such circumstances and damaged records aren’t typically copied when no literate person is available to do it.
@ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo
@Cyrillic @LordMordred @ArdainianRight @wgiwf intellectuals should be butchered for saying that.
@LordMordred @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo @wgiwf if they found stone tools 2.5 million years ago and nothing more advanced between then and the time period that isn't stone age, that conclusion makes sense
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight @Cyrillic @LordMordred Intellectuals should just be butchered
@Cyrillic @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf where's the logic in thinking that humanity doesn't progress past anything for 2.5 million years?
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf oh no not statements backed by logic and evidence nooo it was revealed to me in a dream :crying_soyjak:
@Cyrillic @wgiwf @ArdainianRight @LordMordred mad incellectual detected
@wgiwf @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred you can show your disdain for them by not touching another computer in your life
@wgiwf @MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight @Cyrillic @LordMordred Don't attack me like that
@Cyrillic @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf pre-human apes aren't humans, they're apes. Also we're far more intelligent than you think, there's no way our ancestors didn't know anything beyond making neolithic tools for millions of years.
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf humanity?
but even if you ignore the fact that it's pre-human apes in consideration, progress in knowledge is not linear, it was set back by Plato's stupid ideas, and pre-enlightenment knowledge is not comparable to today
@Cyrillic @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf do humans walked on 4 legs all the time? Do humans scream every 5 minutes? Do humans have no inner thoughts? Do humans eat stuff raw? Do humans live in the wilderness? Do humans have IQ less than 100?
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf humans are apes.
to say otherwise would also be to say that humans aren't animals, vertebrates, mammals or primates, which is just nonsense.
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf are you a primate without a tail, but with flexible shoulder joints? that makes you an ape.
you don't know or care what words mean and use them as a weapon, typical.
if there's a point when humans stopped being apes, can you say when that was? can you also say at what point humans stopped being animals, vertebrates or mammals?
@Cyrillic @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf an ape is an ape because he can't think and doesn't have any capacity to reason. If you think what you said means you're intelligent then that just speaks a lot about the intellectuals you're so proud of.
There's no point because humans were never apes in the first place.
@ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo
Actually witch burning and absolute monarchies emerged long after the middle ages (well, burning had been a thing, but not on a large scale, and there was no mass hysteria), and people covered in poop always was an Indian thing.
@gav @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred @wgiwf his silly cave and world of forms are the height of psuedo-intellectualism and it was preserved in the form of Christianity
@Cyrillic @ArdainianRight @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred @wgiwf in what way did plato set anything back?
@Cyrillic @gav @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @wgiwf said someone who's definitely not as smart or wise as Plato.
@MK2boogaloo @gav @ArdainianRight @Cyrillic @LordMordred I have nothing to add but this shitpost
@wgiwf @gav @ArdainianRight @Cyrillic @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred
@Cyrillic @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @gav @wgiwf if one based his believe in empiricism, then one is neither correct nor smart. Thus making you wrong in every way.
@MK2boogaloo @ArdainianRight @LordMordred @gav @wgiwf being smart or wise doesn't make one correct.
especially when one is talking unempirical nonsense about another reality with a perfect table, whatever that means.
@MK2boogaloo @gav @Cyrillic @LordMordred @wgiwf
Being totally dismissive of Plato is a good sign of being young and/or a superficial thinker.
@ArdainianRight @gav @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred @wgiwf
on the contrary, metaphysics is superficial as are most of the pseudo-questions of philosophy Plato and his ilk waste time on..
@Cyrillic @gav @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred @wgiwf
Shut up, faggot.
@Cyrillic @gav @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred @wgiwf
The soyfaggot who knows nothing of higher things can only huff copium about them not existing.
@ArdainianRight @gav @MK2boogaloo @LordMordred @wgiwf
you showed up in my notifs, retard.
your make believe spiritual worlds don't exist btw.