Notices by The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ (
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Friday, 21-Feb-2025 03:39:55 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
There is -- but society at large (particularly women!) who can't see the difference. They honestly believe 100% of a man's existence is to be a servant to females, so things like video games where a man is by himself doing something for himself is a declaration of war against all women. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Thursday, 20-Feb-2025 17:02:55 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
"manchild" = "an adult male whose life does not revolve around surrendering all his resources to vaginas" -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Wednesday, 19-Feb-2025 14:17:40 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
He may have had a point, BUT he opened up with a strawman attack (mistake #1) and emobaby "you hurt my gay widdle fee-fees but I have a big tuff manly-man image to maintain on teh intarweebz so I'm gonna huff and puff and blow your house down to prove I'm not a 40-yo kissless virgin still living in mommy's basement" candyassery. (mistake #2)
And instead of being a man and owning up to his fuck up, he doubled-down when I called him out on using a strawman attack. (mistake #3)
If you have so little respect for me that you won't argue in good faith like a grown-ass adult, and instead choose to behave like a libshit, I'm not going to answer your disrespect with respect by counter-arguing your points in good faith. You're not entitled to my respect after showing me disrespect. Nope, you're getting called a slur.
Not only that, but leading with grade-school sarcasm and southern belle indignation tells me you're not someone to take seriously. At all. That you're as emotionally regulated as a feminist and therefore I'm going to treat you like a feminist: by laughing in your face.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it isn't a fucking bunny.
If it looks like a retarded psychopath from reddit and acts like a retarded psychopath from reddit, it isn't a grown-ass adult capable of arguing in good faith with logic and reason.
Get the fuck out of my face with your "arguing" like a libshit. (ie, logical fallacies [like strawman attacks], moving the goalposts, grade-school sarcasm, backpedaling, name-calling, manipulation over communication, being deliberately obtuse)
Also get the fuck out of my face with just being plain stupid like proving your total lack of reading comprehension, too. (This, along with acting totally smug about it, is a consistent tactic of the drooling dross from for some fucking reason.)
I've had way too many encounters with crybaby suck-ass sissies who couldn't argue their way out of a wet paper sack on the fediverse over the past six years I've been here. Too many hours of my life have I wasted on [say something] [lol ur gay :^)] [no, YOU'RE gay] [REEE] [REEE].
I am done with that. I am DONE done. I'm all out of patience for niggerfaggotry. No more arguments, no more flame wars with slack-jawed wastes of space. I now follow a simple script: the instant I catch a whiff of immature libshit-esque candyassery:
Disregard everything else and call out your bullshit. If your next post is to double-down on your bullshit, or to squeeze out another turd, I block* your disrespectful ass and forget you exist. BUT if you instead reply with, "I'm sorry, I'll stop proving the jews right that most humans are cattle by behaving like a perpetually-offended obese niggercunt and instead stick to logic and reason like a grown-ass adult" (or some other indicator that you're capable of being a man with integrity and intelligence) then we may continue.
Nobody is entitled to my time, energy, and respect. I won't debate with emobabies, libshits, trump cultists (ie right-wing libshits), or whiny little bitches who throw around "blackpilled" like a cussword. Nope, you're getting called a slur. Anyone who doesn't like it? TOO FUCKING BAD!
* If you're the kind of dipshit who believes blocking is "cowardly", or being blocked is "collecting scalps", or some such moronic faggotry, you're exactly the kind of worthless waste of food I want nothing to do with. Would you please just die? -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 16:43:15 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
You're right, I'm not responding, because you are a histrionic faggot who is not worth my time. Blocked.
Take this as a lesson: grow the fuck up. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 16:42:25 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
I'm not fighting, I'm just pointing out this faggot's dysgenic behavior. That this makes him incredibly butthurt just proves my point. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 16:41:25 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
You're acting like a histrionic teenage girl. Stop being a faggot. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 16:39:09 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Strawman. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 16:37:03 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
This is true, I agree with that. Especially calling it entertainment, because that's what video games are. Identifying as a gamer is no different than identifying as a netflix watcher, or a gambler, or a cocaine snorter. Consooming is a brainless dopamine dispenser at best or an addictive cope for depression/etc at worst. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 16:21:47 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
This is gonna piss a lot of people off, but it needs to be said:
Video games are NOT a hobby.
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 10:30:21 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
They are not predicting food shortages, they are planning them. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 07:47:24 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
If you're too fucking stupid to figure out how to install Linux, NetBSD, OpenIndiana, etc., (ie, click the Next button seven or eight times, wait twenty minutes for the progress bar to reach 100%, then reboot), just fucking kill yourself. The internet has enough drooling retards shitting things up for everybody else. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Monday, 17-Feb-2025 18:50:04 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Huh. I guess this explains why I'm not really into music anymore. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 18:48:03 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Wonder how many designer handbags his girlfriend made him buy for her. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Thursday, 13-Feb-2025 16:05:54 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
It's camaraderie and brotherhood, nothing gay about it!! -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Thursday, 13-Feb-2025 13:36:46 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Boycottfags are gonna get stuck with a Pinephone now! :animu_laugh2: -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Thursday, 13-Feb-2025 13:36:45 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Hopefully not. They probably have no idea that Linux phones exist, or have ever heard of Linux to begin with.
>I was kinda wanting a Pinephone.
Hopefully it's improved a hell of a lot since the shitty Pinephone I got about 2-3 years back! -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Thursday, 13-Feb-2025 13:36:37 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Meanwhile there's always a Librem5... for like 3-4x the price.
I got a $1000 Librem11 tablet and it only lasted two months. :blob_cry: -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Wednesday, 12-Feb-2025 12:29:48 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
The best part about summer is getting away from summer. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2025 18:53:38 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Fact-checking. -
The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️ ('s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2025 11:25:33 JST The Very Merry Mancow: Christ is King! ✝️
Never forget.