I don't know why people keep predicting this. Unification has is no urgency whatsoever for the CCP. They can just wait out the decline of the US some more, naturally become the hegemon of east Asia and unite with Taiwan without firing a single shot.
@MK2boogaloo@teto@CatLord@Gran3Walder NS also recognized different phenotypes of Germans. I think Germany was more racist than Italy with its third position because the country was more progressive. The race stuff of the 19th and 20th century was a since. Reactionaries (TradCath, Monarchists etc) generally opposed it. The King of Italy probably opposed it too.
A group that doesn't exist can't have interests or legitimate grievances, right? No border control, no neighborhoods or schools just for your people, no traditions or basic dignity, no representation, nothing.
It's the first step to genocide, and if you don't get that simple concept, even as it is happening all around you, yo maybe shouldn't call other people dumb.
@Shlomo But wait. I was told the people would rise up in an insurgency against Putler in the name of Freedom(tm). Was I lied to by the trillion dollar media propaganda apparatus that keeps telling my I'm evil for not wanting my people be replaced by millions of foreigners in my own country??? :thunkher:
@lichelordgodfrey@sickburnbro Did a general vax mandate actually happen in any country? AFAIK they just harassed people by forcing you to get tested all the time if you didn't have vax papers.
@DW2 They can cut benefits to old people, since that demographic is mostly White. Or cut money for infrastructure in rural, White areas. And close some more hospitals there, too.
So many options to fuck over White people. Never let a good budget crisis go to waste...