@wgiwf @Arkana every regime (non-pejorative usage of the word "regime") does this.
every single one.
they all put in these rules and uphold taboos.
back then, were all the cops near-unanimously trained by israelis and anti-White pro-non-White training to give blacks as many second chances in an encounter as possible while treating Whites as if they're a rabid nigger high on fent?
no. and judges were not unanimously hated either.
I don't think the Comics Code Authority stifled comics, do you actually want kids exposed to sexuality and degeneracy at a young age?
If you want a better comic industry, you should direct your ire at the jewish-owned publishers. "Batman" was a kike copy of "The Shadow", ffs.
niggas really underestimate how bad the jewish-led cultural revolution of america throughout the 20th century really was.