@teto@Ariovistus@Gran3Walder there's no difference between Italian Fascism and NatSoc. It's something made up by supporters of either camp to separate themselves from each other. An argument by Germans back then would be to not be seen as puppets of Mussolini and Italians do this till this day because they don't want people to think about Hitler when they said Italian Fascism.
@Ariovistus@Gran3Walder it's civic nationalism logic. To be fair italian fascism was closer to that than natsoc ideology. Not sure if it's true, just what i've heard.
@MK2boogaloo@Ariovistus@CatLord@Gran3Walder but "italians" arent even one ethnicity. I'm not joking when I say that north italians look completely different from south italians. The south tyrol thing was just cultural/linguistic. And it didnt work
@teto@Ariovistus@CatLord@Gran3Walder they weren't and that's why Mussolini wanted to forge a new identity unifying them. He was racial about it, making sure Italians colonize Libya and Ethiopia to ensure their survival.
@MK2boogaloo@teto@Ariovistus@Gran3Walder I can't remember exactly but I'll try and summarise it. The German fundamental principle is the "volk" whereas the Italian is the state. That doesn't mean that in Fascism, there is no care for the people or some shit - far from it. Those are just the principles upon which the rest of the thought is built. The nationstate in Germany is a natural expression of the national organism. In fascism, the state is the national ideal and the nation must conform to that ideal (although again, it isn't some extremist totalitarian shit, so it's still healthy). Both of these leave room for assimilation, and both did. They also both exclude corrupting elements. It's just different.
Someone correct me if I'm completely full of shit here. It's been ages since I read anything on this topic.
@CatLord@teto@Ariovistus@Gran3Walder well the thing is, both are basically the strand of the same ideology, something called Third Positionism. We got the name because Fascism is basically the 3rd revolution, first happening in 1792 and the second in 1917. The thing about racialism being so high in NatSoc Germany is because simply there's no one talking about how racist Italians were back then, even currently there's only some good sources on it.
@MK2boogaloo@teto@CatLord@Gran3Walder NS also recognized different phenotypes of Germans. I think Germany was more racist than Italy with its third position because the country was more progressive. The race stuff of the 19th and 20th century was a since. Reactionaries (TradCath, Monarchists etc) generally opposed it. The King of Italy probably opposed it too.
@Ariovistus@teto@CatLord@Gran3Walder hmm they're equally racist but yeah Mussolini had difficulties in his reign because of that damn king. Literally a traitor to his nation, luckily Italians kicked him out of the country in 1947.