Is Darker Skinned Indian Men + Lighter Skinned ( possibly after makeup ) Indian Women equivalent to black men + white women as portrayed in mainstream media
Orthodox Judaism promotes male on male non consensual homosexuality
Sanhedrin 54b says
Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable.
A bullet hit squib or a blood squib is a practical, pyrotechnic special effect device used mainly in the film industry, TV shows and stage performances[1] and even in first responder moulage training to simulate the appearance of a person being shot and wounded.[2][3][4]
The amount of fat in meat is more dangerous than the protein in it unless you eat more meat than what the average person does or more protein from all sources including meat or have a unusual medical condition
Most people do not get enough protein according to some articles that fit my bias that I think are true
Based on reading a lot of nutrition labels and seeing what people eat and reading a lot of recommendations for protein quantities by various sources
They actually went out of the way to do physical action to harm people
Like trying to use fraud , violence or threats of violence to persuade people to castrate other people who they deceived into thinking they were getting a different surgical operation
Vincent James said he persuaded a baby boomer of ideas he could not convince the boomer of before by playing the videos through a television screen instead of a smart phone or computer
It was the exact same video
But he said boomers believe whatever is on television because they grew up watching television
I would not advise obese people to lose weight by exercising because they will use exercise as an excuse to continue eating junk food & they can never lose significant weight while eating the amount of junk food that made them obese in the 1st place even if they add on as much low intensity exercise as their time & joint health permits
I am talking only about people so heavy that anything more metabolically intense than walking will injure them
Nationalism not GlobalismLocal Anarchist communities not Worldwide AnarchismCorporations, United Nations Governments, Most Media and Most Clergy are on Team EvilThe Jewish religion intends to exterminate ChristiansThe Jewish religion intends to enslave or exterminate Gentiles or GoyimPalestinians are the true Hebrew Israelitesat short stories atpoa dot st@shortstoriesmerovingian dot