@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@ArdainianRight People were actually giving him shit for not lifting much weight when this picture came out. But 1. we don't know what set he was on 2. its incline bench and not flat 3. again, 70 years old
People talking about weight lifting on the internet are funny, seemingly everybody can bench 225 for reps.
@Eiswald I would be curious what Barron is really like. Don and Eric reached adulthood long before Trump's political career and seem to only care about money and lack any political convictions. Meanwhile Barron is spending 12-20 watching his father being treated like a supervillain, getting shot at, and very nearly being put in prison.
I could see it going either way, he may still just end up like his brothers.
@admin@Rasterman@ChristiJunior Advance SP was the pinnacle of handhelds for me. $99, the lit screen and rechargeable battery were big quality of life improvements at the time, and the SNES graphics were the point of diminishing returns for handheld.
@j Luigi is an independent thinker, I’ll give him that. He doesn’t take stances based on what happens to fall within team red or team blue. Like banning adult toys sounds right wing, but banning maid caffès sounds left wing.
@matrix@gentoobro@LukeAlmighty@Mr_NutterButter Mostly because of black people, but I still find this picture of Detroit sad. It’s not even the only freeway that goes through the middle of the city.
@DEERBLOOD@WashedOutGundamPilot@Will2Power@Ghislaine@MisterLister I always thought it would be awesome if he got married, had children, and started going to church given the whole Christian brand he tries to have. If he's actually gay I guess that won't happen though.