Notices by JulioReich (
@Shlomo But then who will spam gore on the 4chins all day?
@MoeBritannica File a DMCA request for shits and giggles.
@matrix I've been ruing the punchline in comic strips for myself since 2001. Thanks alot, Japan.
@Ene Real, or some over zealous faggot who mods a manga piracy site?
@MoeBritannica >He doesn't know that every man is the hero of his own story
Sounds like somebody needs media literacy.
@SuperSnekFriend If mangaka are finally realizing they suck at endings, can we get a not shit Oshi no ko conclusion?
@GoodBoyUV @rawsalerts But that's what the establishment is doing.
@Terry The opinion of a president of a country where victory is measured in how many opponents you iced doesn't count.
@Meemoo >18 hour shifts 6 days a week
This is perfectly fine
>Getting paid to do nothing
Ancestor cry, contemplate committing sodoku
@ArdainianRight But I do care about fascism, that's why I'm not responsive to "democracy".
@NitroDubs I knew things were getting bad when they started closing Rite-Aides last year.
@tyler Good thing I passed on it, though it did look like a cool concept.
@tyler I'm willing to be lenient to an extent with studios if the content is good, but the bigger the woke the worse the games tend to be even if they aren't overtly political themselves.
@Terry As if I needed another reason to hate Ohio.
@Terry I heard they were housing migrants at 10 Downing Street, someone relay that intel to the Brits.
@SpurgAnon Why would I want to pay monthly for theoretically unlimited mice when I could just chuck them and buy a new mouse when they break? The current system is a win-win, mouse companies get the full price for the product and the world gets more e-waste.
@poopernova @Terry Unless you work for the government or companies that contract with the government.
@HoroTheWhiteWolf I guess you can't just cram pages from the Tel-aviv White Pages into the Deathnote either.
@Nesano @caekislove @drunkenpriapus Yeah, the gods forbid that rich liberal women actually get married and save a few hundred bucks a year on lawn care.
@SuperSnekFriend Can they rule that muh AR-15s are just glorified .22s already?
Weeb nahtzee
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