Notices by Radians (, page 6
@PraxisOfEvil @Vril_Oreilly @KarlDahl @TeaTootler Beer of all things seems fairly flat pricewise, probably a case of oversupply as a lot of zoomers aren't consuming beer.
@WashedOutGundamPilot It would be close to the experience that most young boomers/gen X grew up with, complete with being constantly chided about not sitting too close to the TV. So it makes sense for these people for who entertainment preferences froze somewhere in the late 80s/early 90s to have small standard def televisions.
@WashedOutGundamPilot I hate the fact that we have to rely on broscience. Stuff cribbed together from forum posts and locker room conversations because sports pharmacology is both a trade secret and a no-no subject for academics.
Something a bit different for #foxgirlfriday kuda-gitsune, the other fox yokai.
A fine afternoon on a #wolfgirlwednesday
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Victor_Emmanuel I don't even have to sit through this, the body language, clothing and physiognomy all read coalburner.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Lavaearth @Dr_Tetanus I bet if you scratch hard enough at this you'll find the same talent agency that runs people like Tate and the neo-manosphere accounts.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @john_rando "We can switch from waterjet to laser cutting and save a bunch of money this quarter on fabrication!"
>4 months later
"Why are all these parts hydrogen cracking and failing NDT? Must be the Chinese!!!"
@ChristiJunior I see it as kind of the same situation as the people that went hard for Mike Lindell, and there is a lot of overlap in that pool of paypigs. Both men are low intellect and run a really fake facade of christian virtue to cover for their vices.
Have a Tamamo, because booba improves everything.
@WashedOutGundamPilot Even better if you say something like "Man, CIA sure loaded that dude up on PCP for a photo stunt. He barely flinched while rattling off the script."
@WashedOutGundamPilot After a while they end up looking like this. 65+ guy trying to impress his girlfriend and electing to depart in a plane with known engine defects.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @nugger Not hard, most AR fats are retarded and do not have the first clue about dwell timing, see also the endless "my carbine length M4 clone is overgassed" threads over at arfcom.
@WashedOutGundamPilot lana del ray is a key part in the arthoe to bpd girlfriend pipeline so this is likely integral to that.
@ChristiJunior Its playing really well with center-right civnat types. They aren't use to a head of state that can have a conversation without the foaming and fist shaking anger that is so common with US political heads today.
@PraxisOfEvil I know women that do this, they will have some makeup youtube going on the tv while at the same time scrolling tiktok on the phone. It is the normie's version of gooncaving.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @MischievousTomato @synapsid Sometimes its just the confidence boost that comes with not being concerned with what some woman thinks. It worked for me when i switched from worrying what women might want to just saying "nah, that sounds lame, lets do something i want instead."
@AmericanChampion @skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss So in theory I could make a scam copy of "cat.blockchain" and then put $20k on it and proceed to steal the user information and passwords to damage the site's reputation?
@AmericanChampion @skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss >browser extension or something that makes the process a little more normie-friendly.
So a centralized canonical name registry that gets us right back to where we are with dns, except with needless pubkey abstraction in the middle?
@skylar @af2 @Goalkeeper Tor, i2p and other services that have no organizational level controls will always have limited adoption. Due to this unfortunate design, they end up being silos for criminal activity and csam.
@skylar @af2 @ArdainianRight @ForbiddenDreamer @graf @Hoss The pubkey all the things people remind me of the folks that used to obsess over pgp signing all their messages on usenet, often with a signature stanza that was longer than their message.
The purpose of name service is to translate human readable names into machine readable addresses. We dont call foxgirls "c1b04ae006f580ee74da216e341ea5d7226a263bb9e451ab9f04ebc0b89eb2ced2cbfa466f0b9fc8d8300d83d33fb321fbdadc50125eb61b6dffe9b77fa50b14" because humans are not machines.
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