Notices by lovelymiss (
Me, 3 days after downloading RedNote, learning Mandarin & watching my 14th puppies running through fall leaves video::
my only vote in my life was for him in 2016 & I haven’t nor will I, vote again.
Voting at this point is a humiliation ritual.
Check out of it completely- or as best we can.
If that hurricane in Appalachia showed us anything- it’s that we don’t need them. They need us. We are the only ones funding & keeping the lights on in this shitass nation.
You have groups of whites there who’ve done more for their community in a couple days than the govt would do in years - or ever.
We are our own strength.
“YoU dONt unDerSTand. HEs thE lESseR oF tWo EviLS”
White retards will still vote for him cuz picking the guy who secretly works against you is better than the one who openly works against you - for some reason.
Fuggin excellent post.
>but modern man has been so domesticated that he fears living without the comforts of society and having to fend for himself for some years or decades in order to enjoy a modest amount of freedom
This is why muh patriots 1776 people drive me up the fuggin wall. Theyre always yammering on about freedoms & the blood of tyrants but are the most attached to the lie of the state because they don’t want to lose access to their speedboats.
Jokes on those niggas, because the only way out is to destroy civilization.
on tonights naked and afraid these people found a little pond with fish - a water & protein source… which is like the holy grail o’ survival on this show.
Anyways- the girl had used the pond to wash her poopy butt in - contaminating the water & killing the fish & the guy was spun into a dimension of what the fuck that few have experienced before.
He had to do that thing where he had to walk off before he started swinging.
This show is a gift, I say!
I know when Katrina hit New Orleans there were people who just shot looters & let them wash away in flood waters - I’d imagine theres cases of that here too.
If only Whites would learn that they could take those guys too.
It is really bothering me that so many people in that flood are having to justify wanting to not die by saying shit like “we’re not racist“ & “this is a diverse area” or even making sure people know that “Asheville is a liberal city”
It’s a lot. Enough to where you have to take a step back & really stand in awe of just how unbelievably fucked this country is.
Unless you are liberal, worship niggers & think sundown towns (cuz those are real now too) are bad - you deserve to die. Not only do you deserve to die, but everyone is happy to watch you suffer before you die.
America is a trash nation. An absolute jewd beyond repair garbage dump of a country. We are a nation whose state religion is worshipping anything shitskin above all else & where retards set the rules about social decorum & standards.
Americans would sacrifice everything they have - including their own people, on the alter of who is loving niggers enough.
Putin should honestly nuke this entire fuckin landmass.
Soulless robot people can’t understand the difference between a pioneer & an illegal because they’re bug people who’ve never really experienced life outside of things like resorts or concrete urbanite prisons.
These are people who can’t conceptualize anything outside of what they’ve been programmed to think & they never will. Never. They live in the here & now. Never thinking of the past, unable to think of the future.
I don’t know why we continue to argue with them. I don’t know why so many people continue to believe that at least 80% of the population is capable of realizing shit. Such a waste of time.
These lemmings, these robot people should be left to die. They are as much - if not more, of a jew weapon as the niggers they flagellate themselves for. They are the jew system as much as the jew is.
They’re the people who make excuses for or promote the most horrendous behavior/beliefs, and they do it without giving a fuck about how much damage it causes.
They should be left to experience the full weight of what their programming has wrought. I hope every one of them die screaming.
Shitskins are being put up in 4 star hotels & given $1000’s a month just for dragging their nigger asses across our border but white people dying in disasters gets like one FEMA truck & that’s only if they promise to suck jew dick.
so far the only people I’ve seen helping the Whites effected by that hurricane is Patriot Front.
Very smart move for them - even if they are just doing it to be good White men.
It’s hard to see a group the news & retards label as evil Nazi Feds as the big baddies when someone’s granny is hugging them for saving her from flood water.
I can not stand frosting. That thick as balls kind they use on cakes in stores is like eating old machine grease. 🤮
It’s basically cake lol
Someday I hope the quote “these people have names & addresses” ends up being acted upon.
I’ve been doin a ponder about this lately.
Jews couldn’t do what they do if we weren’t surrounded by soulless normies. Robot normies are how Judaism is spread. The NPC normie is a jew programmed robot. They don’t think, they don’t feel, they just beep-bop do what they’re told. I hate them.
As America collapses under the weight of its own faggotry (and it will) all those little social safety nets will collapse with it. Those safety nets are what keep the normie alive.
A lot of people are going to die. I don’t think most grasp this fact - mostly because they haven’t been told to by the tv.
As we become more niggerfied; as we become more 3rd world, shit will break down. Important shit. At this point, there’s no stopping it. Not without some kind of civil unrest- which wont happen until the niggerfication has caused us to reach starvation levels of nogishness - and even then, the normie will just beep-bop around & do what they’re told.
Which is why I always find the smugness of normies to be fascinating. That inability they have to step back & see a bigger picture must be part of their robot people programming or something. Their inability to see past the here & now & basic wants. They are incapable of seeing death coming for them at lighting speed.
For a long time I believed some could be saved. They can’t. The reality is that they never could. The bigger reality is that they don’t deserve it. So much of my time & energy wasted on them.
I don’t argue with them anymore because I know now that I’m just arguing with a corpse.
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