Soulless robot people can’t understand the difference between a pioneer & an illegal because they’re bug people who’ve never really experienced life outside of things like resorts or concrete urbanite prisons.
These are people who can’t conceptualize anything outside of what they’ve been programmed to think & they never will. Never. They live in the here & now. Never thinking of the past, unable to think of the future.
I don’t know why we continue to argue with them. I don’t know why so many people continue to believe that at least 80% of the population is capable of realizing shit. Such a waste of time.
These lemmings, these robot people should be left to die. They are as much - if not more, of a jew weapon as the niggers they flagellate themselves for. They are the jew system as much as the jew is.
They’re the people who make excuses for or promote the most horrendous behavior/beliefs, and they do it without giving a fuck about how much damage it causes.
They should be left to experience the full weight of what their programming has wrought. I hope every one of them die screaming.