Honest analysis of what I've seen from yesterday
I still hate, hate, hate JD Vance, he's just some hall monitor faggot grifter clearly, but he's definitely way more intelligent than Tim Walz. He had something to say, actually responded to questions, and can think on his feet. That alone makes him a better leader than the alternative (again, we're choosing between shit salad and shit chutney here, so don't get excited).
Tim Walz and his faux nigger master clearly have no plan for America (we knew this) other than Orange Man Bad, same as it ever was. The shitlibs have hinged your acceptance of communism on the success of their media created caricature of a failing reality star versus the cognitively dissonant image the right still contains in their head of that same failure. The sad state of America is that a good 40% of the population is so retardedly brainwashed that they believe the lefty caricature, and another 40% of the population is so retardedly brainwashed that they believe the right's version. None are true, and America will continue to die a slow death regardless of the result of the election. The only thing that matters is America, and its increasingly browning, less intelligent population that cannot be reversed without mass yeeting or violent reprisal against one's enemies until your own nation becomes uninhabitable and less desirable than theirs.
Nigger bitch and Co. are pushing hard to get retarded middle aged women on their side, and people who delight in baby murder. Funny thing is, they probably don't have to work that hard because most shitlibs would throw Kambaba a vote simply for the clout of self flagellating in the name of nigger worship. Honestly it's their main issue, the ability to be a slut in perpetuity throughout the universe must be preserved at all costs, even if the only reason cases of rape and incest abortion are required is that you live in a low trust society made possible by the importation of infinity niggers to replace you and rape your kids. Otherwise they're talking about a literal unicorn case that happens statistically less than you being killed by a carnie ride while bicycling to work (wait, what?).
Nobody is going to keep their promises, or is under any pressure to. Both sides have a track record of promising things to get elected that don't happen, both claim to be far more conservative and then swing left (this is how your Overton window has been moving for decades) and expect you to swallow it, because, well, you never really had any say anyway, they just want you to choke down enough goyslop and sportsballs to continue participating in a charade in which participation is mandatory for their continued profit, child molestation, and indulgence of power.
The people have the power to save this country, from the looks of public, social media participation in this abject faggotry, however, most are content to accept the retardation of democracy as absolute because they have been so thoroughly conditioned to, ignoring the fact that some people who put gorilla glue in their hair and have never paid taxes or owned property, or were simply shat out over an invisible line have a same say in the governance as those that actually care. As I said above, this charade requires our participation, but modern man has been so domesticated that he fears living without the comforts of society and having to fend for himself for some years or decades in order to enjoy a modest amount of freedom and humanity and the self determination to choose not to be raped by a 60 IQ savage simply because jews bought a boat or a bus.
Until man grows the courage to stand without convenience and undergo the hard times necessary to heal the world, continue to resign yourself to the ennui resultant of a system that champions the illusion of everyone being equal so retarded, easily manipulatable people can be pushed in desired directions by elite overlords that simply like the rush of power and domination that comes from sodomizing a little brown boy in a dungeon somewhere that the FBI will fill in with concrete if they ever get caught, all to preserve the illusion that the power is really in your hands, so you don't do something about it.
There's hope there, amid all that bleakness. But the hope requires courage, conviction, and collectivism, that people of our time are so terribly afraid of.
Fincerely, The Poaftmafter
(Figning hif poafts again to be more confervative than @jcbale)
@lovelymiss It's loss aversion, and it's not just Boomers.
The gap between what you have and what you'll have post-conflict keeps growing. In 1776 medicine barely existed, 90% or more of families lived off food they hunted and grew themselves and their little cabins could be rebuilt with their own labor in a month or so.
Now all those things are complex products of division of labor. In a serious civil war division of labor would break down and millions would starve. It would make WWII look like a schoolyard rumble.
So everyone is looking for some solution that won't destroy civilization.
Jokes on those niggas, because the only way out is to destroy civilization.
Fuggin excellent post.
>but modern man has been so domesticated that he fears living without the comforts of society and having to fend for himself for some years or decades in order to enjoy a modest amount of freedom
This is why muh patriots 1776 people drive me up the fuggin wall. Theyre always yammering on about freedoms & the blood of tyrants but are the most attached to the lie of the state because they don’t want to lose access to their speedboats.