Notices by thefinn (
@lovelymiss @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @MartianM00n
@LudditeMan @graf Someone posted some Goebbels speech earlier and I was reading it.
In the 1930's apparently people were purity spiralling over women "smoking in public"
Now they have dog semen in them and are doing 1000 dudes in 12 hours.
Women can't work out what has changed that men don't like them much anymore.
@graf It really is a race to the bottom with women.
@Sulla_Felix The slow boil continues at a slightly lower heat.
This is just a lizard regrowing its tail, that we're watching. They've discarded Team A - as Dredd would put it.
Ok, which one of you did this?
If anyone can gainsay what I'm saying here, or dissuade me from this thinking, I'm open to it, but that is basically my take on this.
E Michael Jones goes along with all but that last sentence.
@Dagnar This shit is why I hate the KJV so much and all the english translations. It's all bunk until you know the context and the real meaning.
@Dagnar I'd want to know what the actual translations are for that second one tbh. The word "Jews" didn't even exist back then.
I am wondering if they meant Israelites (but they'd say that if so) or "People of Judea" or what?!
@zeke @Dagnar Bro don't even get me started.
E Michael Jones opened my eyes the most on it.
That John 1:1 passage was huge. When "Word" actually means "Logos" and Logos means "intellect, logic, reason" - that changes the whole thing.
The entire meaning is lost. And worse - you have all these protestants going "I only need the bible" and they have no idea what they are reading or what it means.
What a fucking farce.
@cough I was reading a diatribe by a Korean dude over this. People in Asia are fucking PISSED over this game coming out.
@cough Yeah there's no way. If they had made it a Japanese guy, part of the AC universe even (which this is not afaik) - they might've saved it. MAYBE.
Nobody seems very interested in this shit en mass.
They will still sell copies to the console chuds who don't even use the internet probably.
Ok, that's enough America for one day.
Nothing sums up the average normie like this.
What a great meme
@James_Dixon @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta lol this is why I give up on Americans.
"I am gonna believe whatever I want because Martin Luther fr fr, and George Washington fr fr."
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov
@James_Dixon @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta Name another nation that has the Church of Satan.
I'll wait.
@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @James_Dixon
>Got the groceries in.
>Spend the next 2 hours bagging things for the freezer.
>I had to cut a squid up into calamari.
Never get the groceries delivered at 5am, that's all I'm saying.
@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta I do up a salad. put that aside.
Cut bacon into small bits - you want the fat as well.
Put butter in the pan - not olive oil - very important.
Add in a half an onion, garlic, thyme and rosemary.
Fry the bacon - it doesn't take long.
Fry the squid rings - also only takes seconds.
Take the pan off the heat brush the contents to one side so you can get at the fat/oil that's left, add in 2 big heaped tablespoons of mayonnaise, Salt, Pepper and a lemon's worth of lemon juice.
Mix in with the contents of the pan, put this over your salad.
Takes about 15 minutes to make. It is epic.
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