Notices by Sharia (
@p @mrsaturday sea bugs better count haha I'll eat the shit out of some Balmain/Moreton bay bugs any day of the week.
@p @mrsaturday I've had my run at exotic food, I'm Aussie, it's forced multiculturalism at it's finest.
Tonight I've got Scandinavian with a neighbour.
Pickled herring and smoked/cured salmon with an exorbitant amount of dill makes me heave rainbow curtains.
@DiamondMind @p @BasedLunatic @jae @mint @munir yay I'm a mid 40's hag 🤣 except I own my shit outright and never have to work again.
@DiamondMind @BasedLunatic @jae @mint @munir @p that's easy, destroy the caste system and you'd have a civil war on your hands before you could say curry in a hurry.
@Waerloga @MisterRogersSnapped @3T @ChristinWhite @DiamondMind @Doll @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @ins0mniak @jae @lonelyowl13 @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 nothing wrong with other cunts having tattoos shit my man has them all over his face, neck and body. Clean skin are the odd ones out these days, I'm one I'd know 😂
@ins0mniak @3T @ChristinWhite @DiamondMind @Doll @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @MisterRogersSnapped @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @Waerloga @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @jae @lonelyowl13 @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 same here I've rarely got time for cunts with shit tattoos. Yet I appreciate art for arts sake when it comes to how people design what's going to be on their skin for life. I grew up with a mum who had her whole body tattoed after turning 40. I loved her tatts so much we should've strung up her skin after dying and made an art piece.
@ins0mniak @3T @ChristinWhite @DiamondMind @Doll @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @MisterRogersSnapped @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @Waerloga @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @jae @lonelyowl13 @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 now that's a shit face tattoo 😆
My man has a death moth one side, a cats ass showing on the other side tail up and number 13 upside down crosses and anchors hahaha
I'm attracted to face and neck tattoos though, just not shit ones.
@ins0mniak @3T @ChristinWhite @DiamondMind @Doll @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @MisterRogersSnapped @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @Waerloga @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @jae @lonelyowl13 @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 I totally agree good tatts cost mega money or you've gotta know one that's got great work before you'd even delve that path. I'm glad it's more a common thing these days, growing up it was a rarity.
@Waerloga @3T @DiamondMind @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @ins0mniak @jae @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 no males that were young enough to come out would jeopardize their reputations or ongoing careers.
That takes balls and normally it's a female lead prosecutor and they work better with females for victims/complaints in filing material.
You'd need a male version of that old slut slag that represents female celebrity cases.
Someone so compelling, so vile, empathetic when timely required to match the tears of testimony orchestrated with swift precision.
Then someone would come out of the woodworks, wanting to get that ultimate pay day cashout.
@Waerloga @3T @DiamondMind @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @ins0mniak @jae @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 Diddy organised a party for Magic Johnson and Eazy E died in 95 and Johnson revealed he was HIV positive in 91.
Tupac and Eazy E met in 91 and Above the Law was his hang mate and already signed to ruthless.
Diddy and Jay Z had a part to get rid of Tupac, Eazy E and others. Biggie was an easy sell to blame.
@p @Waerloga @3T @DiamondMind @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @ins0mniak @jae @meso @moth_ball @nach @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 Diddy killed Eazy E imo
Biggie and Eazy E alive in 2024 would be an entirely different scene for rap.
@ins0mniak @3T @DiamondMind @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @Waerloga @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @jae @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78 fuck Tupac he isn't anywhere near as good as Biggie. Eazy E or Biggie alive a lot longer, we wouldn't even hear about Jay Z or him paying for his toxic slut of a wife Beyonce Grammy nominations.
@Waerloga @3T @DiamondMind @GhostOfMoshe @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @SilverDeth @amerika @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @dick @djsumdog @ins0mniak @jae @meso @moth_ball @nach @p @pernia @sysrq @toiletpaper @xianc78
Topaz or Tutti Frutti I can't decide.
I'll just make a mix of both.
@Waerloga @DiamondMind @3T @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @djsumdog @ins0mniak @meso @moth_ball @p @pernia @xianc78 hahaha
@DiamondMind @Waerloga @3T @Hoss @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @djsumdog @ins0mniak @meso @moth_ball @p @pernia @xianc78 I'm not white 😂 I'm olive skinned.
Desert Rose
@Waerloga @3T @DiamondMind @NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @cvnt @dcc @djsumdog @ins0mniak @meso @mint @moth_ball @p @xianc78 tater famine brought about the failed European revolution of 1848.
@p @Tony @0 @9 @Ashurbanipal @Darbzilla @DiamondMind @Folklore @Leyonhjelm @Merc @NonPlayableClown @Terry @TimeSpent @Waerloga @Zergling_man @a @colonelj @coolboymew @daughterofgia @dcc @f0x @lainbot @nyanide @pernia @styx @sun @sun_eater @syzygy @threat where's the fried green tomatoes awww 😂
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