Notices by meso (
@VIPPER Look we're a normal country we sell moe
Time to enter my moe shop arc again
maija: makes a cum omelette
@VIPPER: pfft, amateur
a second expiration has hit the 'cafe
its database ballooning to 400GB, its heartbeat stopping and starting again through the months, its domain expiring, left unmaintained for months, and it's still alive. god bless asbestos, theres a little cat named fritz responsible for its aliveness
>Sorry, it looks like that credit card is already being used. If you keep trying you will be blocked. To prevent fraud and abuse we only allow a card to be used by a limited number of accounts or by a parent account's subaccounts.
who are these people. kill them all
@DXM you shouldve seen me back when i was in my truemeso era i always posted stuff like that its a shame truemeso died a miserable death and was replaced by his retard doppelganger, me
@DXM truemeso COULD be retvrned but i think i need to curb stomp asbestos first
@DXM we should make an alarm clock out of @maija's head and curb stomp it CC @VIPPER
>open /po/
>lust-provoking image
@mischievoustomato hop on mumble we resurrected him
@mischievoustomato hes 30 (60 in fedi years)
@mischievoustomato did you think he was a 19 year old femboy or smomething
@VIPPER them fuckin marlboro golds
vipper had a heart attack
@waifu this is like asking "How do i get on the sex offener registry" cc @VIPPER @adachi
@mischievoustomato @Pawlicker @nyanide @tyler @thendrix @VIPPER @adachi GNOME has worse design
@VIPPER @Pawlicker @adachi @mischievoustomato @nyanide @thendrix @tyler gnome sucks tho the fact it works fine means nothing emmanuel bassi deserves death
@VIPPER @Pawlicker @adachi @mischievoustomato @nyanide @thendrix @tyler its why everything sucks though people like him are fucking NIGGERS and make shit like GNOME and look like this
Wombat enthusiast
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