women are speedrunning who can be the first with a vagina resembling a 1900s baseball pitchers mit
@thefinn @graf I don't even feel comfortable joking about it anymore. I think of Canadian Mental Health Care. Some women would be better off being euthanized.
I know White society would be better off with them gone.
@graf It really is a race to the bottom with women.
@thefinn @graf It wasn't all that long ago that they used to lock these kind of women in the nuthouse. Or they would have some pimp traffic them in some whorehouse.
Now they celebrate this shit.
The literal satanic inversion of reality that we must endure under zionist occupation.
@LudditeMan @graf Someone posted some Goebbels speech earlier and I was reading it.
In the 1930's apparently people were purity spiralling over women "smoking in public"
Now they have dog semen in them and are doing 1000 dudes in 12 hours.
Women can't work out what has changed that men don't like them much anymore.