@Hoss @Eiswald One hundred and fifty motherfucking dollars and not a penny less before I sell.
Notices by dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Feb-2025 07:22:31 JST dobó istván
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Feb-2025 07:22:27 JST dobó istván
@john_darksoul @Eiswald @Hoss 1. The value of silver from 2000 BC to AD 1920.
2. The increased utility of silver since 1920.
3. The decreased mining of silver since 1920.
When the thumb is off the scale and people stop accepting imaginary paper receipts for silver, it will float back to its historic value where an ounce of silver is a day’s wages for a tradesman.
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 14-Feb-2025 16:01:39 JST dobó istván
@icedquinn @Alex @sun Honest question: what defines "alt right" at this point?
So many people have been lumped into it that it appears to have gone from a hardcore "white identitarian" movement in 2016 to "big tent non-left" where all former moderates and default liberals end up after being ejected from their space by the left.
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Feb-2025 05:56:52 JST dobó istván
@feld The Usenet branches for gopher and gemini are alive, amazingly.
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Thursday, 06-Feb-2025 13:20:02 JST dobó istván
@eriner @feld @sun They also block all new servers that dare to federate with anyone they block.
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 05:31:08 JST dobó istván
@Flick @graf He’s starting with some shit that matters at least.
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 21-Jan-2025 00:27:09 JST dobó istván
@r000t I know so many people in blue states and blue industries, quiet non-voting moderates who were tired of being screamed at by such absolute assholes about how they had to vote, who did register and voted for Trump just to secretly say “fuck off.”
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 22:51:32 JST dobó istván
I’m moving to a system of insecurity.
Reuse passwords as much as possible. Make the passwords something like “password”. Degrade connections to basic HTTP and send passwords in the clear for anything but banks.
Just don’t recycle user data. Have different account names and emails for every website.
They should be able to take my forum account for a joy ride but realize it doesn’t get you to anything else. And I should realize the account is utterly meaningless and not give a shit.
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 16:37:21 JST dobó istván
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 16:35:10 JST dobó istván
@dcc @Hoss Won’t you fight the frogs?
Damn man, there used to be so much good content out there. It was a different time.
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 16:31:17 JST dobó istván
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 10:05:56 JST dobó istván
American xhs colonist “Ashlee” asks “Chinese people what are your opinions on black people??”
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 17-Jan-2025 09:32:47 JST dobó istván
@deprecated_ii Super Nintendo games cost $69.99 in 1992.
Anything under $150 today is games being on sale, cheap.
In conversation from noauthority.social permalink -
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 15-Jan-2025 18:47:58 JST dobó istván
>> smearing shit around their asshole
This guy doesn’t even know how to use the three seashells!
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 15:41:30 JST dobó istván
@p @nyanide @catmanmancat @Hoss @Hyperhidrosis That’s the Sonichu comics.
None of this is going to survive. It’s digital. It’s going to bitrot to death and backups will be lost.
Imagine discovering physical Sonichu comics in AD 4200 without the context of the CWCki.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 00:53:08 JST dobó istván
@crunklord420 @p @eemmaa @tyler @NonPlayableClown @Hoss @pomstan
>> There's a certain feeling you get when you start believing you can outrun most cops.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Sunday, 12-Jan-2025 01:31:23 JST dobó istván
@PurpCat @xianc78 The irony of people with literal rotting flesh neovaginas calling anyone with remotely conservative views “rotting flesh that must be cut out of the project.”
In conversation from noauthority.social permalink -
dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 08:28:57 JST dobó istván
Working on reviving this PowerBook G4 (final model).
Bracket to support the maglock was missing and the aluminum hinge that the hook connects to was cracked off.
Made a new hinge out of 18ga silver and ground out what was left of the old one. Set in with jewelers epoxy. If it fails will shoot a screw.
Reattached the cracked off wires. Might be a lid sensor or something.
Going to have to glue it back into the housing and probably put a block of acetate between it and the SSD for support.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Saturday, 04-Jan-2025 08:28:56 JST dobó istván
New hinge failed. The epoxy just wasn't enough.
Super glued it back in place to hold it and drilled a hole through the silver and aluminum.
Countersunk both sides, then drove a brass rivet hard.
Seems to have solved the problem. Everything is working fine on that part.
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dobó istván (istvan@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 03-Jan-2025 13:48:17 JST dobó istván
@eriner How did they get my quarterly shopping list for jewelry bench?
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