Notices by hazlin (
hazlin ('s status on Wednesday, 17-May-2023 03:18:09 JST hazlin
@Victor_Emmanuel @SuperSnekFriend I can think of at least 4 people on that work full time jobs, and sink major time into creating stuff. Which is actually pretty encouraging :D
@PhenomX6 You mentioned not being around creatives, and I think that is a key factor in this being so hard for our community. A lot of us are reinventing wheels instead of learning from other creators.
There is also the low trust in the community. I've often offered to help anyone here learn what I know on several topics, to date, 1 person has taken me up on that offer xD
Though it isn't all isolationism, Vile is bringing together different people in our community for several projects. -
hazlin ('s status on Wednesday, 17-May-2023 00:27:54 JST hazlin
@SuperSnekFriend I ran into something similar with minecraft mods. It is very strange to me that the creator side of things is so overwhelmed with fatally compromised world views.
My conjecture is that, for their wicked ideas they get help, from other people, and from the spiritual world.
Meanwhile, /ourguys/ get hindered by other people and from the spiritual world.
A lot of that is based on my own experience trying to make games by developing code and art. There have been SO MANY forks in the road, on the left, immediate results tied to principal compromises, on the right, searching blindly in the dark but I get to keep my principals xD
After many years on the "path not taken", I am finally to the point where I can create things. I look back at my path and think "a mentor could have got me to this same place in a tenth of the time". -
hazlin ('s status on Monday, 08-May-2023 05:35:38 JST hazlin
@PunishedD @PonyPanda @doctorsex @Boomerman @Godcast @Insomnolant @mkultra It seems like this current incident is because they wont give... who/ever that is a pass. If they had a less monolithic structure, and curated different kinds of content in different buckets, their situation wouldn't be so dire.
Could even keep stuff that is unhostable on a dark-web-only accessible server, separated so no one even knows what entity is hosting it.
The current issue is, all the eggs are in one basket, and it is all or nothing. -
hazlin ('s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2023 00:32:41 JST hazlin
@sapphire It is like, people never learn that legislating morality always leads to, A) the targeted problem not being fixed, and B) the law enforced to the letter on innocent people. -
hazlin ('s status on Tuesday, 21-Mar-2023 08:22:46 JST hazlin
@Giganova8 The great foob filter. -
hazlin ('s status on Sunday, 19-Mar-2023 10:35:16 JST hazlin
@Giganova8 Anime booba is an amazing filter. I've no idea why it is so effective. But, I've seen more than enough examples to know it is a real effect. -
hazlin ('s status on Saturday, 18-Mar-2023 09:55:37 JST hazlin
@Imp @Omega_Variant >Have I lost my touch?!
You mean your not used to eating stuff with doughnuts on top? -
hazlin ('s status on Friday, 17-Mar-2023 16:07:19 JST hazlin
@ehhh @SuperSnekFriend Happy birthday
(can always count on SSF to catch birth days with his laser eyes xD) -
hazlin ('s status on Friday, 17-Mar-2023 00:15:36 JST hazlin
@Imp Why are you yelling? -
hazlin ('s status on Thursday, 16-Mar-2023 11:09:00 JST hazlin
@WashedOutGundamPilot I've noticed it is only useful for well known problems. It was able to help me with a simple blender task, but couldn't with another, had to look at form posts and arrive at the answer myself. -
hazlin ('s status on Saturday, 11-Mar-2023 04:52:13 JST hazlin
@WashedOutGundamPilot @KarlDahl As best as I can tell, this is the state of most large companies. Since they advance the agenda of destroying small local companies, and make people more dependent on centralized services, I figured they are being propped up with NWO money (tax payer or otherwise).
In particular, I see the effects of this at grocery stores, that stock more and more stuff that people don't buy... someone is paying for it to be there, but it sure isn't a matter of supply and demand.
It has always been the case that, this war cannot be won through conventional means, but I hope even the most die hard materialist can see that, when you are at a wealth disadvantage of more than 1$:1000$, you cannot innovate your way out of it. -
hazlin ('s status on Friday, 10-Mar-2023 05:46:44 JST hazlin
@theorytoe Is this like when I got yelled at IRL for using xemacs instead of gnu emacs? -
hazlin ('s status on Thursday, 09-Mar-2023 17:16:02 JST hazlin
@kaia @fristi You don't want a three page dissertation on why procedural game design is a scam? What about a hellthread on information density being inversely proportional to the safety of a language? What? not that either? Do you surf fedi with a phone or something? -
hazlin ('s status on Tuesday, 28-Feb-2023 03:49:12 JST hazlin
@skylar @WashedOutGundamPilot @fishsticks @special-boy This is usually the difference between your money, and someone else money xD
I've seen people make some real shit decisions with other people's money xD -
hazlin ('s status on Sunday, 19-Feb-2023 10:13:24 JST hazlin
@kaia Why are you harassing the alt-right?! -
hazlin ('s status on Friday, 17-Feb-2023 14:32:50 JST hazlin
@coolboymew Well at least, Ghost In The Shell, and Bubblegum Crisis were put on important years. -
hazlin ('s status on Wednesday, 15-Feb-2023 06:46:21 JST hazlin
@RealAkoSuminoe @Xeraser I mean, look, if you really don't know, that truly amazes me.
You could start with something easy like
It doesn't even focus on the vaccine specifically, because there was so much bad shit around the covid event.
Or you could read a book like "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History". It was written years before the covid vaccine and shows that the vaccine injure we have seen is just a repeating pattern.
You want to be a spread sheet chad? Go plot all cause deaths against vaccines for each country. Or pull the weekly covid/vaccines reports from the Scotland ministry of health. That is something you have to do, because you wont take me word for it xD
IF you ignore this, and stick to your willful ignorance, then you just have your head rammed up your own ass and aren't interested in considering the facts. -
hazlin ('s status on Wednesday, 15-Feb-2023 06:46:21 JST hazlin
@Xeraser @RealAkoSuminoe If you told me NJP/TRS would go all in on vaccines and covid19, I simply wouldn't have believed you, if for no other reason that, protecting these government narratives does not appear to help white people in any way.
It also means they must not have personally known people that were vaccine injured, mistreated at a hospital, or died from all the bullshit surrounding covid.
It isn't like they are trapped in insular online communities that doesn't have access to or awareness about the raw data published in some areas. It was trivially easy, to download data from public health institutions in the US and UK, and make your own spreadsheet, I did it more than once to confirm what people were talking about in articles online.
This all wreaks of being controlled opposition, because it sure isn't from an earnest consideration of available evidence. -
hazlin ('s status on Monday, 13-Feb-2023 12:47:16 JST hazlin
@duke The clear view of the world, the USA in particular, is to see that things are headed towards destruction, a worst time line, not just in a single field, but across multiple axis, with seemingly unstoppable inertia.
But, honestly, Jesus says this isn't your problem, be care free, rely on our Father who cares for us lovingly and cares about us watchfully. These aren't your problems to fix, but you and your future are Jesus' problem, His responsibility which He accepts with joy.
When you asked Jesus to be your Lord, He accepted the burden of your hopes and dreams, and happiness, the burden of providing Salvation in this life and the next.
He isn't looking for you to play a perfect and careful game, so that when you stand before Him, you can say "I didn't contribute to the collapse". You are called to be carefree, and full of joy, walking with Jesus, He is enough, whether you walked with Him through Rome, or Babylon, or the USA, He is enough to uplift you in any place or time. -
hazlin ('s status on Monday, 13-Feb-2023 11:14:16 JST hazlin
@siinclaiir @lain @cell Golden boy is highly underrated xD