@lina@mint@GmanIsAChildEnjoyer@Hoss In terms of gain, the regions Russia has taken, were productive farm lands and untapped mining deposits Blackrock and cohorts here intending to exploit in Ukraine. So Russia has gained future prospective wealth from those eastern provinces.
@WashedOutGundamPilot Yeah the signs run high, most cases see 2-3 random ones, which makes them rare to have. If you just want cards to play with, when sets first drop you can get on the global on NA facebook groups and find people selling playset 4-of sets for $250-300 on release. Won't have any of the special shiny stuff, but even the Rs and RRs you'd get have nice foiling. (I know recommending facebook of all things, but that and discord are where most weiss players congregate and buy/sell.)
@rlier23https://animehunch.com/american-company-blackstone-inc-to-acquire-japans-largest-e-manga-site-in-usd-1-7-billion-deal/ Reading the article, they're openly saying they are gonna use it for mass social engineering, as it's a major portion of Japan's soft power. They're gonna increase content making for the website's mainly women readership in romance mangas. Easy bet they're gonna finish poisoning the minds of Japanese women like they have Western women. Nowhere is safe from the jewish well poisoners.
@GrungeQueef@LordMordred Before even reading that, are you aware the retarded AI prompts floodinf zoomer sphere tiktok and yt shorts? Short vids where they give AI absurdly small spaces and tell them to furnish the whole place for massive families. AI is being abused to make all kinds of absurd shit that I couldn't picture anyone actually wanting.
@ainmosni Maybe if you faggots didn't endlessly work to destroy their countries and cheer on the importation of millions of raping, murdering aliens they wouldn't feel so disgusted with the state of their homelands.
@TURBORETARD9000@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@sapphire@RehnSturm256 Probably wise to take stock of what you have, and rotate the oldest ones forward. Nothing worse than saving food for later and not getting to eat it. Different canned goods last longer than others, depends on their acidity as to how fast they eat through the coating in the can get to the metal.
@TURBORETARD9000@ceo_of_monoeye_dating@sapphire@RehnSturm256 Well, it took many generations of people carefully managing food stores, and putting up with boring same food stuffs everyday to get us to this (very temporary) era of excess. If you aren't one to be sitting high on the hog, the old ways of discipline are what have to be leaned upon.
@hazlin@SpurgAnon Bibble verse that states "Beware their Sorcerers..." is an error in english because the original Greek was pharma, meaning beware the drug makers. Fucking everywhere everybody has warned at one point not so trust snake oil and the like.
@hazlin@SpurgAnon Sadly we can relate gay western medicine to judeo-capitalism and wanting an endless stream of ill people to treat for profit. Its literal rent seeking behavior, but with your body and pills.
I recall a piece of literature from the 1800's that stated severe burn victims could see rapid recover and regrowth of skin if put on a diet of raw eggs for several weeks during their recovery, now days they want to do major surgeries and graft skin onto the wounds. The Cholesterol in the raw egg yolks in a major building block for cells, but it gets demonized in modern health/medice as the cause of clots and heart attacks.
@heavens_feel@nosleep I think google glasses were an attempts at that but I don't know if they ever developed that far. Don't know if we can condense boards and power supplies small enough to achieve such a lightweight frame.