@p@Terry@eee@mia@natsock And would it even be better for Russia to collapse? Probably not. Sometimes it almost feels like the US and Russia are playing good cop bad cop with the wold, but Russia just isn't in on it.
@p@mia@Terry@eee@natsock Do you think Russia's economy could have a Venezuela moment and go into freefall? I don't know how likely that is or not, but ~60% inflation rate and rising is tough for sure.
@coolboymew@vixn You probably got the same as me. Just open the box and slide the analog stick in all directions, listening for a somewhat loud click during extension. Also, see if came with a sticker to cover the gap, or if after removing the cap (just pull it off, it is fine) there is a little black plastic/silicone dodad on the stick that comes off.
@coolboymew@vixn I got the newest batch that 1)Has no weird click during use 2) Has no gap so no sticker 3) Has an odd, I think silicone anti-friction, dome under the stick by default 4)Didn't even need to be calibrated, although it benefited a little from it
I'd avoid some resellers if they still have older revisions, though.
@p >-I don't know where the timeline of events you are referring to would start or what the scope would be; it sounds like it could be a lot of effort for something that would not be actionable, even if we were to acquire perfect knowledge of it.
To me this is multiple things: a chance for me to learn something from you, a potentially entertaining in-depth discussion about history/politics, a chance for me to better understand my own beliefs and refine them, and lastly a chance to convince you of a few things I think we differ on that I am moderately confident I can prove my case about. If you merely see me as a Mormon knocking on your door advocating for my religion, know that I am not even saying what we should or should not do in regards to Ukraine to achieve the best or least bad results.
Do you know very much about the German revolutions of 1848? My 3rd great grandfather from the Kingdom of Hanover fought for similar values as what founded The United States. He fought for his freedom, and lost. Everybody hated the king. Everybody wanted to unify Germany. But mere Liberty could not sway over those who wanted much more radical social reforms; it splintered, and it failed. You could say Classical Liberalism went to war against Proto-Communism, but they both lost, and then we got World War 1 & 2 and the Cold War.
He immigrated somewhere that shared his belief system; the United States of America. Once here he opened a small store where he made and sold furniture; my family hands down some of his works even today and I have a lot of fond memories as a kid building blanket fortresses under a wooden table he built. The Classical Liberal values he believed in failed in his homeland, but when the Civil War started only about a decade later, he'd rather die than let them fail twice. He had all of his sons fight, helped convince other German families as well to join, and partly through his and other local German's efforts Missouri was notoriously contested during the war and historians largely credit German immigrants in Missouri for why the state was so contested. Here's an interesting lecture on it: https://invidious.io.lol/watch?v=y5vjbJ-9U0o
What point am I making? Well I mostly just think it is an interesting story, but there is one:
History, global events, ideology, can be just a dumb thing like sports for people to bicker over, but for others it can feel way closer to home and real. I feel like Ukrainians are just like my Great Great Great grandfather; I don't want them to have to flee their homeland to be free.
I'll say more probably on the weekend, but I just wanted to make a little progress getting over "Why even talk about it?", although I doubt I made much.
@p@hazlin@mmmfeet@shedinja It's funny some people think Communism is anti-racist at its core just because the USSR thought America was on the verge of a race war so they tried to get blacks to revolt.
Sure, in theory class struggle is similar to race struggle... But classical liberal ideas of personal liberty did not stop us from enslaving people, now did it.
And it goes without mentioning you can just insert the word Jew into any Communist speech and it almost turns Fascist.
Although this is all messy overgeneralization and not 100% true, but it is true enough to be funny to me. Husky_1690356329663_7C4Z3Z0W7F.gif
@p@hazlin@mmmfeet@shedinja I decided to read his take as less extreme than it is, but both sides do want to keep people fighting over semi-pointless social issues.
Now of course no matter how much bickering there is, there is still alot of gridlock on real important policy issues, too.
But that is just internal stuff, the external actors make it way more complicated, and honestly, their stances are often just what they think will harm their enemy the most.
@caekislove@Shadowman311@alex@realcaseyrollins Good idea, but I really do think an actual AI filter model should be getting trained on it, though. It'd be nice to eventually be free of this bullshit, instead of swatting like flies forever.
@Zerglingman@alex@feld@idiot@realcaseyrollins You just know if feds will pose as polio vaccine administrators to catch terrorists, and help promote the same vaccine hesitancy that is why polio is still a global killer of children...
They will upload, idk, wrong-thing image hashes to csam databases, or just any hash so they can map out a "dangerous" communites online, like the tracers they inject people with to do catscans. Husky_1690302884949_ZAOK9WOUE0.jpg
@11112011 People have no idea what the founding fathers believed. MLK (not one, of course) was against any handouts to blacks that wasn't also given to poor whites. Is it an accident every political position is so divisive? No.
@Zerglingman@nugger@synapsid I used to run an irc dedicated solely to harassing furries across the internet. I never thought that would one day contribute to them literally cutting their dicks off and killing themselves.
@splitshockvirus@Zerglingman@dcc@Maholmire@emma So it was Good vs Evil, but good also had Evil on its side? And then right when the war was over, Good turned on Evil and the Cold War started. Makes sense.
https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-2&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FenEkec4hlR3UtKx2NMpOUK_K4ZuDxjWBO1d9Y4YXVaA%3D%40smp14.simplex.im%2FKocfuu4aaF-ennopm0xVF3n5RzZL40sY%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAIOBf4gP_4bvK6SSnyuoljKI6WHCTaOZgLc4akPPaOms%253D%26srv%3Daspkyu2sopsnizbyfabtsicikr2s4r3ti35jogbcekhm3fsoeyjvgrid.onion"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner; if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than thos