Notices by Peter (
>PuTiN iS RaCiSS
Asian wins fight to death
>FuCKiNg cHiNkS
Yeah, they're definitely not taking this well. Also see some of them think the front hasn't moved, they clearly haven't been paying attention.
>There are thousands of videos of animals liking music lol that guy is an idiot.
And Walgreens in Chicago plays classical music to keep angry monkeys away. Is there anything music can't do?
Shitters, they're all shitters. 'Cause it's too hard to keep track of their factions. Call a punjab a paki and they lose their 67 IQ minds. Call a paki a hindu, same thing.
>RiChEsT MaN tO eVeR HaVe LiVeD
Elon has ~$400 billion. But the USD doesn't go nearly as far as it did just five years ago. Meanwhile, the Rothschild *family* is $2 Trillion.
[gerry gives imp an HDMI cable]
Nick got real lucky with his pepper spray. I imagine he thought it'd be debilitating, but according to her it had little or no effect? She might have downplayed it? To mock him in her facebook post. Big mistake. It would have been better for her to leave it up to everyone's imagination.
So I'm thinking the opening salvo is effectively downgraded to spritzing a cat with a spray bottle. Get off the table (or in this case doorstep). Followed by a... what? Gentle push? Forceful shove?? She dealt a blow to her case against him all because she couldn't stay quiet.
>did you see that thing? i'd shoot first as well
IIRC, she stood in front of his place for 10 minutes. She doesn't strike me as the sort who would do this quietly. And then, after some stranger in a car dared her to, only then did the crazy lady march to his door.
Her intent was clear. The moment she pushed his doorbell she had already initiated a hostile confrontation. Those two deserve each other. A judge should threaten them both with a marriage license, LOL.
>I've heard that Johnny Somali is half nigger and half Jew and this whole story definitely supports that idea.
>The drug part really sucks, because that makes him into the exact kind of touchyfag martyr the USG loves to bail out.
The traded an arms merchant for a basketball-american.
>they compare everyone and everything to Hitler
>MTG does it and suddenly she's on their bad side
>public apology at the pile of shoes museum
>they reject her apology
You'd think she just would've stopped caring about them after that.
>smartphones might be the most disappointing piece of technology invented in my lifetime
I don't use it as a phone anymore. Everyone wants to text, might as well be a pager. It's too small to watch videos on, and it's too big to be a timepiece. I've left it at home and didn't regret it.
>bUt BuT bUt yOu cAn DoWnLoAd tHe aPP
I don't want a frickin' app. Paper coupons (like they used until quite recently) didn't track my spending habits.
>How is it cowardice? I'm not following.
They've spent the last 80+ years doing the "everyone we don't like is Hitler". And they're shocked when the dog whistle is no longer effective?!?
yOu DiDn'T aTTaCk oN CoMMaNd? yOu'Re cOwArDs.
Tattooing is body modification. And when you normalize body modification you get men with fake tits in women's bathrooms.
Logistics. Space program makes a huge deal out of weight savings because of limited payloads, they throw $$$ at shaving ounces. So they scrutinize the hell out of what goes up. No, you can't bring your house keys, we'll take care of them for you.
On the ground? Guy with a pickup and trailer can easily bring in pallets of water and a quad. An auxiliary fuel tank would be an excellent addition, might need it to get in AND out. If you didn't venture in too deep, the surplus is much appreciated.
If a pilot needs to leave his co-pilot behind just to evacuate a single person, well, maybe he should have flown in solo. Helicopters should distribute stuff like satellite phones. Water filters? Meds. Priorities.
He offered to act as a straw man in buying planes for Ukraine. If he wasn't a glowie he certainly idolized the profession.
>On 9/11 a bunch of foreigners attacked America and the response was to consolidate all of our border control & domestic security agencies under one roof so they could permanently throw the border wide open to foreigners.
[Alejandro Mayorkas accuses you of AnTiSeMiTiSm]
"Perhaps he does not know that I am the child of a Holocaust survivor. Perhaps he does not know that my mother lost almost all her family at the hands of the Nazis. And so I find his adversarial tone to be entirely misplaced. I find it to be disrespectful of me and my heritage."
>The quiet ones are the ones you need to be afraid of.
It is unwise to openly conspire against a corrupt gov't that fears their hold over the people is tenuous.
I've seen how much retailers charge for non-alcoholic beer, WTF? You'd think that'd be enough to kill this LARP before it ever got off the ground. Adult children is the market they're aiming for.
I wanna see cops hit 'em with field sobriety tests. "You smell like a brewery, just how many drinks have you had?" Libshits, as a whole, are some of the most uncoordinated people out there.
ROTFLMAO. Afghanistan? 42 million. India? 1.3 Billion. Bolton must've slept through Afghanistan. And American recruiters have been struggling since then. I could just picture little kids chucking handfuls of poop at American soldiers.
>second pic
>look at the red sea
ROTFLMAO. Houthis versus the World Police.
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