There's a little known site called based mods which was setup as an alternative to NexusMods because the staff kept on deleting mods that got rid of the woke crap.
Doesn't seem to have Spiderman mods but yes I think the only acceptable thing to do is pirate these games so they don't make money off them. Really though why bother playing that crap at all? They're not even particularly good games, just generic ubislop of a slightly different flavour.
I hate their character design a lot as well, they always make the hair and faces so weird because they abuse the fuck out of asset generation or photogrammetry and none of it makes sense.
lol yeah I won't try and defend my generation either, zoomers do have their own cringe though even if they are technically more 'right leaning' overall.
They either have one hell of a cheat code planned and think they'll get away with it ( entirely possible with how cucked everyone is ) or they're that retarded yes they think they can get away with it anyway. Keep an eye on the current twitch drama by the way because it is kind of related to the leftists getting too unhinged for their own good and doing it very publicly so the normies keep noticing.
I'm a massive elitist when it comes to foreign audio and always believe in subtitles over everything and unfortunately this whole thing with english dub actors is proving me right. They still often try to keep fucking with the subtitles though so it's not as if that's immune either.
No I'm not trying to do anything, just laying out the reality of the situation because the foreign intelligence agencies are ferreting around universities looking to tech to steal
It's worse than you think, China's been hamstringing the American navy for example by selling them shitty steel which rusts in the ocean so you're having brand new extremely expensive prototypes just disintegrating. Other countries don't even need to fire a shot because the west is that incompetent, also lots of problems with espionage. Here in the UK for example the spying problem is so bad you've got Chinese students being stalked at their universities because the UK government just turns a blind eye to it all which is fucked because they can't attend their studies safely.
All America is good for is knocking over third world countries with militias that only have AK47s and RPGs, even then they still manage to fuck that up.
The problem is with these journalists is the whole plan is to get you bogged down into endlessly defending yourself when they can't make you adopt their positions.
Unfortunately it's a pretty common tactic across the internet and I hate it, these days sometimes it's better to just give the silent treatment after telling them to fuck off and only spend your time on people who will treat you fairly.
It's a bit like with Trump where sometimes you just think, for fuck's sake get off the internet, you've got a whole country to run and you don't need to waste your time on twitter freaks or any other hive mind and that's coming from me because I'm online constantly but I at least have a legitimate reason for it with my coding.
This is random but do you guys know of people to follow generally who will appreciate some intense video game sperging? Also open to exploring other instances as well as I'm still working out this fediverse stuff.
This just proves that Reddit has devolved into nothing more than an advertising and democrat party platform. Knowing this I don't know why even the leftists would hang out there, mind you a lot of them seem to have migrated to Mastodon.