Very excited to see opinions on American copyright and trademark law prompted by the Japanese patent lawsuit against Palworld for the next couple of years.
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IP law is even more fake and gay than regular law, and I will continue to offer my completely uneducated insights on the topic unprompted in the future. :popuko_nod:
Nintendo are utter wankers and I've grown to hate them more and more as time goes on and no amount of fanboism will change my mind.
Somehow, Pokemon managed to patent the gameplay mechanic of capturing monsters in a spherical container. At least I think this is what the case is supposed to be about. Palworld apparently cleared the bar of legal distinction with its character designs, so they're going after something else that's even stupider.
@ArdainianRight Assuming Internet scuttlebutt has correctly identified the patent at issue, its claims are both more general and more specific than that, but you're right that it seems to be all they have to throw at Pocketpair.
I don't know the relevant Japanese IP law, but from a layman's perspective, there's no logical reason why this should stand up in court.