Notices by TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King (
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Thursday, 11-May-2023 03:50:54 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
Do you know if anybody has shared the gospel with Ted K? He's got a terminal diagnosis. I thought about it a good while ago and just had a dream about it. I'd kick in some money to send him some books if you had ideas about what to send.
Kinda want to write him a letter but idk how that would even get there from Aus. -
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Thursday, 11-May-2023 03:50:53 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
@Waldbrand @SuperLutheran
Life is long and perspectives change. I'd be interested to know what he thinks now. -
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 05:08:40 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
The pressure to have sex while dating is unbelievable. Depriving a man of orgasms prior to marriage is basically considered abuse. -
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 05:08:35 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
@idea_enjoyer @SerfnUSA @WashedOutGundamPilot
Boomers were not raised right. That's why they have ruined society. Their fathers returned traumatised from the worst meat grinders anyone had ever seen in history and were emotionally unavailable, so boomers never learned how to be men, husbands or fathers. Boomers are the first fatherless generation, which is why like collectively act like materialistic dopamine-chasing hood rats. -
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Monday, 27-Mar-2023 14:55:21 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
@Crux_Invictus @martianvenator
"If you're depressed about this awful news item and the endlessly dehumanising and demoralising propaganda machine which spat it at you, here's the suicide hotline!
"The problem isn't us, it's you." -
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Tuesday, 14-Mar-2023 07:45:27 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
@WashedOutGundamPilot @RupertvonRipp @Rhodesian_YuKari @DW2
Honestly I got so much less anxious once I was engaged and then once I was married I was even less anxious again. You might find the fertility stuff improves if you put the horse before the cart. -
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Monday, 06-Mar-2023 05:09:03 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
@Boomerman @WashedOutGundamPilot
Modernist minimalism got popular because the entire generation coming back from WWI was permanently traumatised by the human meat grinder experience never seen before in history. That generation came home and neglected their sons, who then went and fought in the next big war, and then they came home and wasn't able to emotionally connect to their kids either. The boomers are the product of two generations of traumatised, absent fathers, which is why they act like spoiled rich kids with no maturity.
World war one destroyed the old world in the west. -
TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King ('s status on Friday, 03-Mar-2023 12:24:12 JST TinyFern ⚜️ Christ is King
@WashedOutGundamPilot @RMIV @kuon @KiKi88 @princess @LordMordred @deprecated_ii @mushroom_soup
Also lame because women think men are woman-strong, and most men don't look physically like they could easily kidnap a woman. If some 6'2 muscly guy leans over you and says 'you sure you're comfortable going into that dark alley with me?' that's actually just him highlighting how big and intimidating he is, and therefore hot. A dumpy guy with a beer gut and glasses saying the same thing comes across less like "I will throw you over my shoulder like Conan" and more like "I will masturbate into the back of your jacket and try to smell your hair". Not sexy, just gross.