Notices by Crux_Invictus (
What did the White Nationalist say to the Brown Lady?
"You might be a number 3, but to me you're number 1!"
@BowsacNoodle @thefinn @zeke @Dagnar I did watch it and it seemed to me his issue is with Solo Scriptura rather than Sola Scriptura.
Scripture is the Word of God which means it is the top authority for the Church. If something goes against the Word then it ought to be removed, if it is in line with the Word then it remains. That is the essence of Sola Scriptura. It's not that tradition is of no value or that we should abandon anything that isn't just the Bible. It is that Holy Scripture is the standard by which all doctrine is measured.
That many protestant Christians have abandoned tradition and made the absence of tradition a tradition in of itself is sad. But the blame for that doesn't fall on Sola Scriptura.
@BowsacNoodle @thefinn @zeke @Dagnar Someone misunderstanding Sola Scriptura? In the year of our Lord 2025? Say it isn't so!
@KingOfWhiteAmerica @BowsacNoodle @thefinn @zeke @Dagnar What is more important to me as a Lutheran, what makes it baptism, is that there is water combined with the Word of God. It's still baptism if its done by pouring or even sprinkling because God is not limited by the amount of water used.
I can appreciate the rich symbolism of full immersion baptism (dying with Christ and rising again) and if a church makes that its practice then that's great. I just hope they can be flexible when it comes time to baptise someone who for whatever reason may not be able to handle full immersion.
Personally, if I had a viable body of water near my church then I'd happily baptise people via full immersion. As it stands I'm very happy with my baptismal font, which will be centre stage this Sunday since it's Baptism of the Lord.
@vitalis >"Here my students, look at these useful illustrations."
>"Meister, why are they naked?"
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 Different Christians may use the same words but mean very different things, for example the Calvinist will use the term "real presence" when talking about the presence of Christ in Holy Communion but fundamentally their understanding of that presence is different to the Roman Catholic and Lutheran understanding. So there's a need for a certain amount of autism to ascertain what is meant.
I tend to be more focused on these kinds of things because I'm serving a church that is Lutheran in name but has lost Lutheran theology because they've been misled by words that while they sound the same actually mean something very different when examined properly.
I apologise that my theological autism has brought out the usual suspects to poast coal in the thread.
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 >"just purify your own soul bro"
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 Your mistake was poasting such a comment while I'm working on a sermon about the Holy Spirit and sanctification.
@BowsacNoodle @kf01 Probably, the contention is about "who" purifies the soul of the believer. The Lutheran says it's God who does that and it's not something I can, in my own power, do.
@WashedOutGundamPilot Nope, you're weird, no one else has more than one monitor. Nobody.
@nugger @BowsacNoodle @Herbst Ecclesiastes is traditionally viewed as written by Solomon in the latter part of his life after he repented.
@Myles @synapsid @wgiwf @MK2boogaloo I would rather watch anime with the Pope, than paint dry with Zwingli!
@WashedOutGundamPilot The culture shifted and so did the church. You excommunicate them, God forbid, but pastors should be guiding them towards marriage.
As with all manner of sins, you can be pastoral when dealing with sinners while also condemning sin. After all the Word of God convicts sinners and offers them forgiveness if they repent of it.
But we ignore it or even worse we throw it in people's faces when they try to call out sins like homosexuality. "How dare you call this guy a sodomite! Remove the log that is premarital sex from your own eye first!"
It's difficult because we can't be so legalistic that we return into Pharisees and purity spiral ourselves into extinction. But we also can't be so soft that we fail to call sin what it is
@WashedOutGundamPilot For the most part yes, the natural "missional" energy churches have is often sent overseas. Be it through people going on trips or money, it's also a very sanitary way of evangelizing since you just give money and it's sometime else's problem.
But that's not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that a lot of Christians are ashamed of the Bible, and Lutherans in particular seem to be ashamed of what makes them Lutheran. So when they evangelize they do so in a way that tickles the ears. Instead of calling out immorality and telling people to stop before they run right off a cliff they just "love" them in a vague often sin-affirming way.
It's been an issue for decades now but for some church bodies like mine it's now reaching a boiling point.
I'm forever being told that churches need to be "missional", and that we need to foster a "mission culture".
It's good for churches to be missional in the sense that they should be active in their communities. But churches should also be preaching the whole Word of God including those parts that will offend people. What's the point of a church that won't speak against evil?
Instead of missional how about we be confessional instead?
Sure, when properly understood a missional church is confessional and vice versa. But more often than not I see churches, who want to be missional, give up their Lutheran identity and theology in an attempt to appeal to the public. It doesn't work.
If you aren't brave enough to confess Christ in the face of the world what makes you think new converts will?
@martianvenator >"So, do you still want to be a YouTuber son?"
>"No dad"
>"I'm going to be a Podcaster instead"
@weaf @MoralPanic That's a kill shot.
>What goes through @SuperLutheran 's mind when the Harry Potter movies start playing
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