Notices by S24 (
S24 ('s status on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2024 20:06:51 JST S24
Yeaaaah dude I kinda have 300 followers on Twitter, what made you think you could DM me and actually get a response? -
S24 ('s status on Saturday, 16-Dec-2023 05:37:20 JST S24
@Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot Level 1 Wife -
S24 ('s status on Saturday, 16-Dec-2023 05:37:18 JST S24
@WashedOutGundamPilot if you're a rogue why don't you steal yourself some fuckin' clothes lady -
S24 ('s status on Monday, 04-Dec-2023 14:03:17 JST S24
@Shadowman311 The White Wyll mod is also essential for this game. -
S24 ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2023 11:06:21 JST S24
@PraxisOfEvil What's the official fruit of White Power then? -
S24 ('s status on Friday, 27-Oct-2023 20:11:26 JST S24
@NailBomb @mushroom_soup Thank you for your service -
S24 ('s status on Friday, 27-Oct-2023 20:10:56 JST S24
@mushroom_soup Not gonna make the obvious joke here -
S24 ('s status on Thursday, 26-Oct-2023 18:09:18 JST S24
@Dan_Hulson @SuperSnekFriend @Deplorable_Degenerate @greentext I know this was the hardest thing you had to do in your life. Thank you. -
S24 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Oct-2023 08:55:56 JST S24
@idea_enjoyer The faggot was also a grooming pedophile? What are the chances??? -
S24 ('s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 11:49:21 JST S24
- I am just normal /k/orean :verified:
- Dan_Hulson
- Xenophon :demon_wojak:
- Matty-kun :Christmas_kitty_bell:
- n3f_X :neon_devilblob: :debian:
- :btrfly: anime graf mays 🛰️🪐
- SuperLutheran (Festive half)
- Sick Burn, Bro
- Wrath
- reloadedAK :ak:
- :cross_ortho_wooden2: O w l .
- :suihead:
- rees
- Psychotic Militant Bitch
@Owl @graf @justnormalkorean @Sui @rees @Silverwolf @Xenophon @matty @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @SuperLutheran @reloadedAK @sickburnbro That person texting you the hotdog emoji every night at exactly 3:27 AM? That's me. -
S24 ('s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 11:49:21 JST S24
@Owl @Sui @Eiswald @Silverwolf @Xenophon @matty @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @SuperLutheran @justnormalkorean @reloadedAK @sickburnbro Was this recent? Probably talking about JF lmao -
S24 ('s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 11:49:17 JST S24
@justnormalkorean @Owl @Xenophon @Sui @Silverwolf @matty @n3f_X @Dan_Hulson @Eiswald @SuperLutheran @reloadedAK @sickburnbro She likes to take out her femcel rage on people that didn't even do anything against her personally. It got tiring after a while. -
S24 ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 22:47:05 JST S24
@xianc78 Ok, what does the CIA have to gain from staging such an event? -
S24 ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 17:36:54 JST S24
@Wormwood Is this what the victim would've wanted? 😔 -
S24 ('s status on Friday, 06-Oct-2023 05:23:04 JST S24
@Fever @IsraelDelendaEst I just want a trad goth racist gf who works a full time job to support my gaming hobbies and doesn't mind that I have bad hygiene and am covered in acne and plague boils. Is that too much to ask? -
S24 ('s status on Sunday, 01-Oct-2023 12:42:37 JST S24
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Owl @reloadedAK @AngryWraith @skylar @Remi @Xeraser Kinda jealous ngl, had the opposite experience, moved from a nice small mostly white town to Niggerville USA right when I started middle school. 😩 -
S24 ('s status on Wednesday, 27-Sep-2023 16:33:46 JST S24
"Men, how often do you think about the USS Liberty?" -
S24 ('s status on Tuesday, 26-Sep-2023 13:03:19 JST S24
Only a manlet could have that much rage inside him -
S24 ('s status on Tuesday, 26-Sep-2023 13:03:18 JST S24
Doomguy's not a kike, why would he be slaughtering his own people (demons)? -
S24 ('s status on Friday, 22-Sep-2023 21:56:20 JST S24
Neigh-sayer is a solid dude. The last thing he said was he was going on a trip or something, hope he's doing alright.