Notices by Griffith (
Asuka fans take their final L. Makima enjoyers stay winning.
Adam opened the Elon episode by comparing him to an artic explorer and saying he's better than Steve Jobs.
The Mexican cafe waiter when he hears Trotsky doesn’t tip:
@PurpCat The Omen
@xianc78 how in the absolute fuck can a libertarian hero be in bed with everyone from the CIA to the Mossad?
@matrix the one reading this
@Mark @Terry @Hoss sovereignty #1. They don’t fuck around. This is what a serious country looks like.
The thing about pro-zionist DRers is there's a notion that we need to "play ball" and nothing could be further from the truth. Israel is the most unpopular thing in the world. Nothing would kill Nazism like associating it with Israel. Nazis hating Israel is normalizing Nazism right now.
The fallacy is that because everyone, including communists and libtards, hates Israel, that Israel is somehow based. We hated Israel before it was cool. If we hate them for different reasons, okay, no one said Nazis and Communists see eye-to-eye on everything. But stepping in front of the line of fire would kill us. It's a gimme. There's everything to gain and nothing to lose by opposing Israel. You can talk to your libtard relatives again because of Israel. Contrarian jews on twitter have no sway. Just don't listen to them.
@FruitpilledPeachcel the farce is hilarious but the consequences are serious for actually falling for it. It’s serious and I can’t believe anyone would play footsie with it.
90IQ Republicans are seriously thinking about becoming Azov without the tattoos. Guys like that are getting a street sweeper gig when we win.
@TrevorGoodchild @DW2 @sickburnbro “everything can be destroyed” is king of the modern battlefield. On both sides. An FPV drone sees where you stashed your HIMARS? It’s gone. Planes on the runway have been destroyed by FPV drones. No one talks about the F-16s at all because they all probably got destroyed by Iskanders in the first day thanks to intelligence. You leave the hatch on your tank open a drone can fly into it. There are flamethrower drones, remotely operated MG nests, tons of artillery. It’s only going to get better too. Americans take pride in their military, rightly so, but so did the Russians. It doesn’t change the fact that warfare has changed fundamentally and is changing on the battlefield to this day.
The Russians had to *earn* a victory like Kurakhova and Selydove. It took 2 1/2 years of figuring out what works to rapidly advance against an enemy. Glide bombs are good? Cool, the Russians have those too. Short of stealth being a wunderwaffe, which is unlikely because it’s not the 90’s anymore, Americans are going to find themselves in trenches in a near-peer war. They’re going to be under constant fire and the last thing they may hear is the buzz of a drone. Faggots in the pentagon do not acknowledge this reality. It will not be about money it will be about having something worth dying for. The average Ukrainian is much more patriotic and nationalist and they are creaking under the pressure. When there are waves of drones everyday destroying infrastructure, how strong will the American military be then?
And here I thought Italians were White...
@gav @FruitpilledPeachcel What is that theory, and who is Bronski?
@rms least insane libtard
What explains this
kind of girl men would kill for
@PoalackJokes88 @Veles @DEERBLOOD @Ghislaine @MisterLister @WashedOutGundamPilot @Will2Power There's really not a big penalty for something like this. The cops didn't think it was anything. I'd be very surprised if this goes anywhere.
@Veles @DEERBLOOD @Ghislaine @MisterLister @PoalackJokes88 @WashedOutGundamPilot @Will2Power what would she get out of it. And with what money.
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