Notices by Radians (, page 17
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Ottovonshitpost Fucking hell.
The worst part is I actually know people that are so brainwormed that they constantly use pop-politic exclamations like this.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Boomerman @Consoomer88 @sickburnbro @MechaSilvio @mkultra @AnimeTradCath It bothers me that if the idea was creating a domestic version of the DAP/NSDAP, that nobody seems to be interested in what labor leadership has been doing despite many charters and bylaws being available as public pdf.
A lot of the finger pointing and sperging in this thread and others could be much reduced with a proper set of charter and bylaws.
basically, an executive board, a president, vice president, treasurer, recorder, and trustees.
The salary for faithful duty for the executives shall be X. (No questions about how much compensation is and makes your payroll tax a known number)
No funds shall be disbursed except as approved by motion or as provided in the bylaws. No checks drawn on accounts shall be valid unless signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the president. The treasurer shall prepare a financial statement of income and expenses at each meeting. Trustees shall audit all books, statements, receipts and property quarterly. (Lots of eyes on money and property)
@wgiwf @WashedOutGundamPilot @IsraelDelendaEst @Owl @mkultra @doctorsex @BigDuck @Boomerman @Chuckie_ar_la Yes, more or less. The lodge system allows a lot of control and distribution of leadership, and has built-in tard wrangling with constitutions and bylaws.
Sometimes I wish folks would put down the edgelord literature for just a minute and pick up a copy of IRS publications instead.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @IsraelDelendaEst @Owl @mkultra @doctorsex @BigDuck @Boomerman @Chuckie_ar_la This might just be my off-axis view but perhaps this is due to younger people not being exposed at all to fraternal organizations. For all their warts and corruption, even labor and trades unions manage to do this for the most part.
There are specific IRS carve outs and tax advantages for fraternal lodges and it seems strange that nobody that I am aware of has taken advantage of this.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @dharmadudebro @BigDuck Being a recognized party is worth the gov paperwork in that the access you get in most states to voter roles, ballots, and the election apparatus is extensive.
This is also why the establishment duopoly fights tooth and nail to keep outsiders from ballot access.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @dharmadudebro @BigDuck Tragic. It would explain why there isn't a recognized party. For those that haven't tried there are filing deadlines, fees, and then you need 40-50k valid signatures, and this is just for one out of 50 states.
This is expensive both in ground game to collect within the timeframe and in the legal time as both establishment parties and the secretary of state/recorder's office will make challenges to signature validity.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @dharmadudebro @BigDuck I don't know the history/lore of njp/trs but it sure seems like you can't and shouldn't try to be a podcast/journalism org, a political party, and a PAC all in one organization with the same people.
Its okay to have an umbrella branding, but for legal, practical and financial reasons it is better to have compartmentalization with different people tasked with each organizational element.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @DW2 One of the ways women pursue validation is via molding the past by inventing lies and repeating it over and over again until they begin to believe it. "fake it till you make it" for example is a similar approach.
@CatLord @WashedOutGundamPilot @sparky @DW2 Those guys look like typical hollywood butt pirates. They have tried for some time to gay up the western genre but it just doesn't work out because working on the range is the complete inverse of faggotry.
@monsterislandcolonizer @WashedOutGundamPilot @SettlerLife This isn't hard to take over. All you need is a few friends/family and target precincts with vacant positions. You only need a few signatures to be elected by acclamation, and from there you can secure the chairman's position by roll call.
The catch is that you are taking over what is more or less a containment organization. Despite all the hype of "become a PC!", at best you might be allowed to have a say in your local representative and maybe school board, but any statewide offices will be under control of people installed from the top down by the national RNC.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @SettlerLife @monsterislandcolonizer If you want a good chuckle, find out when your local GOP precinct meeting is (hint: it will be some inconvenient time for working people like 2pm on a Tuesday) and note the age and disposition of the committee. Likely you will find old bored housewives running a social club and some of their pensioner husbands that want to espouse how Regan was the greatest of all time.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @DW2 Also from the GAO:
@WashedOutGundamPilot @DW2 can't seem to find that but here is from 2021:
@WashedOutGundamPilot >DoN noted that many factors contributed to the differences in availability of the two types of aircraft, including the greater levels of galvanic corrosion arising from the greater use of composite metals in Super Hornets.
This is something that is well known in modern airliners with the use of glued assemblies with dissimilar metal and composites. Likely a symptom of the greater underway maintenance woes faced by the navy that have been published by the GAO and others.
@graf @grey I think you're okay as long as you reject the whole post with an error message, similar to how mail servers reject email containing malware/virus links.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @TornadoOfTerror @RupertvonRipp @CoQ_10 @Bill_Boone @monsterislandcolonizer This is the price of having an inner monologue friend.
@monsterislandcolonizer @WashedOutGundamPilot @MeBigbrain The original tiny house.
@monsterislandcolonizer @WashedOutGundamPilot @MeBigbrain Also this house is unable to be built anywhere that has any sort of modern residential code as the footprint is less than 600sq ft. Same reason that tinyhouses are illegal in most areas and people try sticking wheels on them to pass them off as a trailer.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @MeBigbrain @monsterislandcolonizer Was just thinking about those, I have a folder of past catalog pages.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @MeBigbrain @monsterislandcolonizer Even in the suburbs of later years, many people built these kits available from magazines like Popular Mechanics or from Sear catalog in the garage. So much basic fabrication skills lost.
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