Notices by hazlin no plap pirate (, page 11
> there is no lack of honest people who like working with their hands
I mean there is, you'll discover the lack if you try to staff a company of such people. For every 20 people that want to do such a job, maybe 1 will actually benefit your company.
And, I don't mean skills. Just a basic honest worker.
The company I mentioned, has several people who started with no skills at all, but they had, and kept a good attitude, and now they have all the skills required to fulfill their role.
Using recruiting websites, has produce almost a 100% washout rate. In fact, it is so bad, I'm betting there is some sort of algorithm that sends shit people to small businesses.
@theorytoe @MK2boogaloo that sounds as bad as Rhino
@theorytoe @MK2boogaloo what the crap is kotlin?
@MK2boogaloo @sysrq @FrailLeaf Wait, is sysrq a uterus haver?
@theorytoe @MK2boogaloo
> not some gigabrained theologian just some guy trying to live life right
I think that is where we all are at lol. Living life right, ahh it is just a very non-linear problem.
So far as I am concerned, starting and keeping a dialog relationship with Jesus, is where you start, stay, and finish your journey with God.
You are your own expert. And, be weary of experts. I'm sitting on a lot of authoritative commentaries and lectures, and nearly 100% of it is crap. Even the Luther stuff I like is about 80% crap.
The people that earn the approval of a formal institution on theology (or diligently study the same material) are by and large more screwed up and farther from God than your average person.
@theorytoe Ah yes, the "be more like Jesus" thing. I've seen countless people put to work for their local church, just like Jesus... oh wait! No, Jesus never submitted to the churches of His day.
He said they were full of shit, and devoured people's money, and heaped honors on themselves. Exactly like today's churches and church leadership.
I've only ever seen people be taught to be a slave. And, nothing like Jesus.
What is the will of God?
Is it for you to learn how to treat others around you more kindly?
Is it for you to develop the ability to endure suffering?
Why do you think God needs you to do that? What does it do for Him?
Is that the pearl of great price Jesus came and died for? To get the man who learned how to handle difficult situations without losing his temper? Was that what was missing in Heaven?
No? Perhaps it was so He could obtain the man who is brave enough to say "transgender is just mutilation!" Surely, that was the thing of great price, that He did not already have in Heaven.
The great things that the church exhorts and holds up as examples for aspirants, are worthless trash. They do not know the will of God, and they do not know Jesus.
@MK2boogaloo @ghostwaffen
I only read back a week into his TL, but I agree, this isn't a real person.
news media is cursed. Literally everyone would feel better not watching any of it.
Yeah, everyone gets to choose what they believe. Even God lets them choose, and respects their choices.
Over the last few years, I've had to learn, that you can only teach people who want to learn from you. And, you can only help someone that wants your help.
And, you can only be friends with someone who values your friendship.
I can see clearly now, that there is no point in forcing these things once you know what the other person has decided. No good comes of forcing it, and I guess that is why Jesus doesn't force things either.
Correct theology isn't required to know Jesus. And, knowing Jesus is Eternal Life. And, anyone who knows Jesus will never be lost.
I know this can be scary, because false teachers have taught many of us since the time we were little children. To, rely upon certain things as proof of our Salvation. And, without these "proofs" we fill like our very Salvation has been lost.
But, the only true proof lives in Jesus' heart. There is no ritual or saying or communion or baptism that can stand in the place a true relationship with Jesus.
And, I only even bring this up, because it grieves me, to see so many trusting in dead traditions, instead of conversing with the living Jesus.
It always seems relevant, to bring up, that Jesus never corrected anyone's theology, before healing them, or helping them. Or even calling them to come and follow Him.
The paradigm of forcing people to parrot specific theologies, or "their soul may be lost" is as far from Jesus as you can get.
Jesus has no interest in your petty word games, and posturing. And, if you don't know that, you'll soon find out.
@MK2boogaloo many such cases xD
>Generic bio
>content is just screenshots of other people's content
@MK2boogaloo even though it is unsupported, I just use Atom, and just the basic version at that.
Sometimes FeatherPad as well.
nano for terminal stuff.
Honestly, even though I have some nice paid tools, I find myself just using simple stuff most of the time xD
@MK2boogaloo Good morning Kero Kero
> things should have been better
This is the repeating pattern of history. Where critically bad decisions were made again and again.
@MK2boogaloo happens every time xD
@MK2boogaloo Morning Kero, are you enjoying the fullmoon?
@deprecated_ii The china war will be nuts. But, I think the more immediate issue will be water shortages.
I only recently learned that almost everyone in my area drinks tap water.
Sure, some people have their own wells. But, if the tap became undrinkable, lots of people would die. It is an even a more exposed target than grid power or the supply chain.
@Umlaut @rher the minimum to join these circles, is to accept you've been disenfranchised, but most have not discovered, that they do not in fact think for themselves.
Still being stuck in the state education paradigm of being forced to affirm, and therefor gaslighting themselves that they learn through reason and logic, all while parroting what ever an authority figure tells them.
Perhaps the most effective devices against us, are subverted authority figures, doom pillers, grifter, Q, and as you've said, meme warfare. If they accept where the information comes from, or how it is presented, then they accept it, as they have been trained.
@Fash-E Do you trust the transcript for this one? I find it to be very different, in many ways, from ideas and concepts in other things I've read from him.
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