Notices by hazlin no plap pirate (, page 10
@MK2boogaloo you just need some fresh bread from our Heavenly Father this day.
@MK2boogaloo I'm glad to see you still exist
The natural response to church corruption, is fixing the church, or separating from the corrupt church.
If your solution involves separating from Jesus. Then all you've done is show that you never knew Him.
Just as a man, cannot cut off his own hand, someone who knows Jesus, cannot go back to living without Him.
The Salvation and Friendship that Jesus offers, is first for this life. I've not been awake very long today, but already, already Jesus has made my day much better.
Those who can discard Jesus' love, simply do not know it.
> pagan
Is it just mean, or are they pouring out of the wood work these days?
We have either already crossed, or are about to cross into the era where, you shouldn't eat anything with pre-mixed ingredients.
What haven't you done?
@MK2boogaloo does this mean good morning?
@MK2boogaloo 1800s blackpill
@Xenophon @theorytoe @gentoobro @MK2boogaloo never read it, got a PDF in a translation you like?
@Xenophon @theorytoe @gentoobro @MK2boogaloo
ahh, I don't know about this one xenophon xD
This reads like first century wise posting, where people wrote down all the things that people said, he said.
It feels highly discordant with things that are true, and lacks self evident markers.
@Xenophon @theorytoe @gentoobro @MK2boogaloo
That is awesome friend! Thanks for sharing.
It has certain markers in it, so I was already pretty confident in its authenticity.
But, I never would have guessed that, it was also among the dead sea scrolls! And, they are just hiding it!
@Xenophon @theorytoe @gentoobro @MK2boogaloo
I've not yet read the fifth, but the first 4 strongly mesh with the true Gospel, and things God has revealed to me.
I'm not sure I could bring another person to the same level of certainty. But, there are a great many things present that, the jews and Christians hate, and they would not have been included in a forgery.
It rings so authentic and true, that after I read it, I understood a great many things in the Bible that had been a mystery before that. It is obvious Biblical authors were taking some of the things that, I only can find in Enoch as common knowledge.
@gnarley_boot @theorytoe @gentoobro @MK2boogaloo
I've met lots of people who have read it, even a guy who had it memorized.
The more often someone reads the Bible through, the more fucked up their theology seems to be.
The more of the Bible someone memorizes, the more easily they can backup what ever they are saying with scripture.
Which has lead us to the modern state of Christianity. Where every group is teaching mutually exclusive things, and backing them up with scripture, and insisting that the Bible is inerrant or not self contradictory.
Knowing the Bible has nothing to do with knowing Jesus. And, I encounter people IRL and online all the time that stand as testament to this paradigm.
@gentoobro @theorytoe @MK2boogaloo @gnarley_boot
Even satan quotes scripture to backup w/e point he is making.
If I had a nickle for every time I've heard, "this isn't my opinion folks, this is written in the Bible!"
That usually follows someone making a point that has as much to do with God, as a pile of vomit.
@gentoobro @theorytoe @MK2boogaloo @gnarley_boot
You cannot understand the Bible, by reading it.
Almost everyone knows that Jesus talked to people in parables, so that they wouldn't understand. But! then they turn around and think they can just understand by just reading the Bible xD
I've got a list of Bible people, Enoch, Shem, Elijah, Samuel, and Jesus. These seemed to be the people closest with God. And, yet, their relationship with God, is hidden, you can't see into it at all. It isn't in the scriptures.
It is similar with Moses and David and Paul, we are shown more with them, but it is mostly hidden.
And, this is intentional, God doesn't want someone to read the Bible, and understand Him. Much of the surface level interpretations, are easily accepted and internalized by people, and once satisfied, they continue on with their lives.
It is the same dynamic we see for most of the people who came and talked with Jesus, when He walked the Earth.
Very few people got to know Jesus, and out of them John seemed to know Him best. And, eternal life is knowing Jesus.
All who are satisfied by the surface level misdirection, don't know Him, and they are content with that.
@gnarley_boot @theorytoe @gentoobro @MK2boogaloo
Your assertion is a question in response to its answer. This is the transition point between a discussion and a hellthread.
And so I can go no farther :D I hope you have a blessed day :D
@gentoobro @theorytoe @MK2boogaloo @gnarley_boot
Peter and Paul seemed to get along okay. It was freaken James.
If only Paul wasn't so cowed by the title of "Jesus' Brother" he would have had to guts to name the man, instead of always being so vague.
@gentoobro @theorytoe @MK2boogaloo @gnarley_boot
The James we find in Acts and at the first counsel, seems consistent with the views expressed in the book of James.
Also, Paul drops hints like "For before that certain came from James," implying those who imposed legalism on Peter at Antioch were specifically enforcing Jame's will.
> St. Augustine sure didn't think much of the epistle of James.
Luther also felt very strongly, going so far as to say that the epistle of James contained not one word of Gospel.
Generally, once you get a handle on, what exactly Jesus' gift of Grace is, then you realize that James, is an enemy of Jesus.
@gentoobro @theorytoe @MK2boogaloo @gnarley_boot
Hmm, I kind of feel like James is scripture, it has the same kind of strong appeal to pride that you find in the beatitudes.
Not everything in scripture is good.
> Enoch
It is so good. The jews had to abandon it because it is so messianic. It is so good, I can see why the early church loved it so.
48.2 And at that hour, that Son of Man was named in the presence of the Lord of Spirits, and named in front of the Head of Days. 48.3 Even before the Sun and the constellations were created, before the Stars of Heaven were made, his name was named in front of the Lord of Spirits. 48.4 He will be a staff to the Righteous, and the Holy, so that they may lean on him and not fall, and he will be the Light of the Nations, and he will be the hope of those who grieve in their hearts.
48.6 And because of this, he was chosen, and hidden in front of Him, before the World was created, and for ever. 48.7 But the wisdom of the Lord of Spirits, has revealed him to the holy and the righteous, for He has kept safe the lot of the righteous, for they have hated, and rejected, this world of iniquity. And all its works, and its ways, they have hated, in the name of the Lord of Spirits. For in His Name they are saved, and He is the one who will require their lives.
49.1 For wisdom has been poured out like water, and glory will not fail in front of Him, for ever and ever. 49.2 For he is powerful in all the secrets of righteousness, and iniquity will pass away like a shadow, and will have no existence; for the Chosen One stands in front of the Lord of Spirits, and His Glory is for ever and ever, and His Power for all generations. 49.3 And in him dwells the spirit of wisdom, and the spirit that gives understanding, and the spirit of knowledge, and of power, and the spirit of those who sleep in righteousness. 49.4 And he will judge the things that are secret, and no one will be able to say an idle word in front of him, for he has been chosen in front of the Lord of Spirits, in accordance with His wish.
And, the church had to abandon it because it shows that all of our culture is "a worthless mystery" that the watcher brought to the Earth... and the Trad church loves those things.
8.1 And Azazel taught men to make swords, and daggers, and shields, and breastplates. And he showed them the things after these, and the art of making them; bracelets and ornaments, and the art of making up the eyes, and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious and choice stones, and all kinds of coloured dyes. And the world was changed. 8.2 And there was great impiety, and much fornication, and they went astray, and all their ways became corrupt.
8.3 Amezarak taught all those who cast spells and cut roots, Armaros the release of spells, and Baraqiel astrologers, and Kokabiel portents, and Tamiel taught astrology, and Asradel taught the path of the Moon. 8.4 And, at the destruction on the Earth, men cried out, and their voices reached Heaven.
Even the tradition of an oath with a curse, seems to have been brought by the watchers.
6.4 And they all answered him, and said: "Let us all swear an oath, and bind one another with curses, so not to alter this plan, but to carry out this plan effectively."
Enoch is hidden, it will not be a part of the scripture, at least not before Jesus returns. For few can bear its truths.
@deprecated_ii skilled labor, especially for physically intensive jobs, there is more demand than there is supply. Even if you are willing to pay them well. (the business I have association with, after covid, was having to pay them like they were engineers with years of relevant experience xD)
It got even worse after covid. I think the vax culled a lot of people in a critical age range.
I'll add the qualification that, a majority of the available people will either steal from you, or will do such a poor quality job that it creates more work for your company. (also had a few that, just didn't want to work, they do just enough so it is hard to tell, but they are doing fucking nothing if no one is watching).
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