This image might upload crunched and unreadable (so I will re-upload it elsewhere if it is), but it’s something we all know already about homosexuality. The many “secular”/material reasons why homosexuality is bad.
The same must be said for abortion and similar causes. The psychological/biological effects on the woman who has it, the degrading effect it has on society that it is tolerated, or worse, accepted. Decreasing fertility rates. The lack of any proven track record in actually combating criminal niggers (meanwhile, capital punishment for obvious murderous/rapist niggers is far more effective, so long as it is rapid).
You can not only argue against it on moral grounds, because we live in a fallen world and so many compartmentalize their beliefs and lack strong faith in God or any kind of religion. They are given permission by ZOG to be hedonists, but when they realize that that is not the end-all-be-all, they may seek truth (if they didn’t go so far into hedonism that they just kill themselves).
Being armed with “secular” truth that proves your religion’s proscription of homosexuality, “transgenderism”, abortion, etc, is correct would probably entice more to convert. Of course, such “secular” facts can not grant revelation but it dispels the mythology the jewish-controlled media has foisted upon religion. That media-driven mythology that it is “wholly backwards, idiotic, lacking in knowledge”.
Yet those are the truly mythological (and I use mythological in this instance as a pejorative) beliefs of ours times. Not what reddit calls “Sky Daddy” beliefs, but belief in this media message with little to no critical thinking.
They’ve no defense against this other than to shut it out and suppress it.
It’s the same with the holohoax.