Notices by VidMasterEon (, page 2
VidMasterEon ('s status on Friday, 10-May-2024 08:25:45 JST VidMasterEon @WashedOutGundamPilot like how most criticisms of Americans are actually criticisms of blacks
most criticisms are of men by women are actually criticisms of brown and black men -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Saturday, 13-Apr-2024 03:04:05 JST VidMasterEon @YeetLibs @Shadowman311 There is this anti semitic conspiracy theory that jews become doctors to kill whites crazy right?
Anyway the biggest serial killer in britian was a jewish doctor who mainly targeted christians with criminal and intentional malpractice -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Friday, 12-Apr-2024 07:14:23 JST VidMasterEon @DW2 >captured by a state religion
Come on turn the rubiks cube one more time -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Thursday, 28-Mar-2024 06:40:43 JST VidMasterEon @ChristiJunior @RehnSturm256 @Shadowman311 @SuperSnekFriend People do not hate fascism because it is evil (which means jack shit coming from godless moral relativists) but because it is society's immune response to the disease killing it -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 11-Mar-2024 04:50:46 JST VidMasterEon @DW2 @HeliRides3000 @synapsid @Jewpacabra @ForbiddenDreamer @Gab_Refugee @LordMordred @NeoDelorean @PraxisOfEvil @Stagg_3751 @graf If i was to describe the issue it is that it sounds too "clean" and overproduced -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 11-Mar-2024 04:46:59 JST VidMasterEon @HeliRides3000 @DW2 @synapsid @Jewpacabra @ForbiddenDreamer @Gab_Refugee @LordMordred @NeoDelorean @PraxisOfEvil @Stagg_3751 @graf from listening to the 2020 remake of clayman it just doesnt sound right
Something is off -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 11-Mar-2024 04:43:54 JST VidMasterEon @DW2 @synapsid @Jewpacabra @ForbiddenDreamer @Gab_Refugee @HeliRides3000 @LordMordred @NeoDelorean @PraxisOfEvil @Stagg_3751 @graf I fell off after come clarity but jester race whoracle clayman and colony are some of my favorite albums ever -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 11-Mar-2024 04:41:26 JST VidMasterEon @synapsid @Jewpacabra @DW2 @ForbiddenDreamer @Gab_Refugee @HeliRides3000 @LordMordred @NeoDelorean @PraxisOfEvil @Stagg_3751 @graf Being a big fan of in flames first 5 albums i was recommended ATG and i am sad i haven heard of them sooner
SOTS is a 10/10 album -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 04-Mar-2024 06:31:04 JST VidMasterEon @Rasterman @Nesano @ChristiJunior @admin Odd
I thought they retired that rhetoric after the tranny shot up that christisn school -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 04-Mar-2024 04:12:02 JST VidMasterEon @deprecated_ii what filters the right from the far right:
Saying nigger
What filters the far right from the even farther right:
Anime -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Tuesday, 20-Feb-2024 03:05:23 JST VidMasterEon @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Bad_Banner No he doesnt deserve this
He deserves much, much worse -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 18-Feb-2024 07:57:43 JST VidMasterEon @Floydian_Psychology @WashedOutGundamPilot I wonder if leftists would have the same compassion if they looked like furbies -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 18-Feb-2024 07:40:44 JST VidMasterEon @SuperSnekFriend @matrix It is sweet how utopian he was
Maybe if he was still alive he would have made a sequel with bugs that look indistinguishable from humans subverting the system and destroying it from the inside -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Saturday, 17-Feb-2024 10:50:31 JST VidMasterEon @ChristiJunior Even if he did he would make an awful Caesar because he lacks the conviction to do what needs to be done -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Friday, 16-Feb-2024 04:54:12 JST VidMasterEon @Kottonballs @graf Sailers law holding true -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Thursday, 15-Feb-2024 11:07:50 JST VidMasterEon @ChristiJunior @unseenjapan Kuronbo -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2024 10:48:14 JST VidMasterEon @baraposter No, patrick learning more about how you guys will tear apart your anuses to where you need to wear diapers, that insurance companies are legally forced to cover prep for homosexual because you cant stop having sex with random strangers that you are overrepresented in child molestation and that you have hundreds of sexual partners in your lifetime does not make me more sympathetic to you
"That old saw about '"to understand all is to forgive all"' is a lot of tripe. Some things, the more you understand the more you loathe them."
- Juan Rico, Starship Troopers p. 111 -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2024 10:47:01 JST VidMasterEon @baraposter >government inaction
The government tried to stop it by closing the bathouses you were spreading it by having orgies with random strangers but you fags compared it to the holocaust and prevented them -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 28-Jan-2024 05:14:45 JST VidMasterEon @Squadalah_Man @Eiswald "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters
The silence is your answer" -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Tuesday, 23-Jan-2024 00:12:53 JST VidMasterEon @dickflatteningenthusiast If you ever have the boot on the neck of a leftist and you hear them crying for mercy
You arent pressing hard enough