Notices by ElJewpacabra (
Just heard a rumor that allegedly food stamps and EBT have been cut off by an executive order starting today at 5.
Prepare for the chimp outs if true.
@jeffcliff @TrevorGoodchild you can avoid HIV if you stop buttfucking other Canucks, Jeff. Did you hear that the new treatment for H5N1 is shoving a whole bag of jellybeans up your ass? Better get to work.
”Leave the barcade alone”
@judgedread @Suzu I think he does have some use for them. Tesla has a lot of assembly line type work that bottom dollar Indian scab labor could fill that will drop Elon‘s overhead costs. They might not be the 76 IQ’s but there’s over a billion of those freaks and the ones with slightly higher IQs are just as vile
@judgedread My concern is the women involved in trafficking who are breeding more of these flat faced cretins as anchor babies. I don’t think they have the stones to get rid of them all. I hope I’m wrong.
Hoft did just write a piece about a woman and her “two children who are citizens” being deported back to Mexico so maybe it’ll happen
@WashedOutGundamPilot @Terry he kind of looks like the singer of disturbed. what’s the lore on him?
SAAR, muh chiggun, SAAR
@Dagnar @catmanmancat @WashedOutGundamPilot power washing, laser rust removal, lawn cutting, drain unclogging. If its satisfying, I’m there.
@Dagnar @Deplorable_Degenerate @WashedOutGundamPilot @catmanmancat Yeah I love watching blade forging. Even in unconventional ways for decorative pieces like Michaelcthulu.
Builders like Made In Poland are interesting too.
@Bunsen What happened to bix??
I refuse to believe these are real people
@TrevorGoodchild @LukeAlmighty I see, that they are still too retarded to understand the concept of "I don't fucking know, I am not better than the best of the physicists who still don’t fucking know and who are not better than God."
@matty @justnormalkorean @skylar @BowsacNoodle ain’t no real nigga saying a burger is “hawt stuff” when it’s good
I went on a hike yesterday and it was all White people on the trail with me. Every single person that walked by smiled at me and said ”Goodmorning” and made small talk before telling me to have a great or blessed day.
Then I went down into town and saw all the flat faced squatemalans being airdropped into these areas and being employed by jew-owned chains.
There are no replacements for our people. Once that beauty is gone, it’s gone. I can’t let my rich heritage be destroyed by these sniveling kikes and their weaponized mesoamerican corn demon parasites. I just can’t.
@jb @Scot_Paladin I actually thought it was one too. I thought it was some snarky ad for a black mirror episode or something.
@Scot_Paladin @jb
@jb @Scot_Paladin Michelle Carter. Convinced her boyfriend to kill himself and stick to it when he was having second thoughts in the middle of it
@Thusnelda @TrevorGoodchild @klara_sjo She probably has to lift up the equivalent of 3 of you’s just to sit on a toilet to piss. Repulsive.
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