@matrix Fixed the meme to make it proper. The point of the bell curve meme is that the grug and the genius share the same or a similar view with each other against the midwit, but the genius doesn't merely repeat what grug says. The genius says it an eloquent and erudite way.
Anybody who does it otherwise continues to ruin the meme and fail to push the cool words of cool WN geniuses throughout history.
- matrix07012 :thotpatrol: and :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: like this.
@SuperSnekFriend @matrix It is sweet how utopian he was
Maybe if he was still alive he would have made a sequel with bugs that look indistinguishable from humans subverting the system and destroying it from the inside
@VidMasterEon @SuperSnekFriend @matrix
No he did a 180.
Read stranger in a strange land. Hard to believe the two were written by the same guy.
@mute_city @VidMasterEon @SuperSnekFriend @matrix idk if he did a 180
his entire bit was to take a political idea to it's furthest, wackiest possible conclusion then write schlocky sci fi about it. i don't think he believed in starship trooper meritocracy any more than moon is a harsh mistress polycule based libertarian asteroid bombardment for violating their NAP, although he may have had vague notions in those areas
@mute_city @VidMasterEon @matrix Was it because publishing Jews were threaten him to not make government's like Hitler's look good and effective, shortly after WWII?
@SuperSnekFriend @VidMasterEon @matrix
My take is that he started to like all the young girls in the hippie movement XD
@SuperSnekFriend @matrix >he reinvented the lefty meme
Confirmed for midwit.
@SuperSnekFriend @matrix The text on the high IQ end is double copied, should pare that down so it isn't a wall of text.
@Gundog @matrix Whoops! You are right. :jahy_derp:
It's was a butt to copy and paste the text
@Paultron @VidMasterEon @SuperSnekFriend @matrix
Interesting take.
I don't remember much from moon.
But starship troopers definitely feels to me like it was written by someone who means what he says.
And stranger in a strange land too. The hippies ran with that book.
@mute_city @SuperSnekFriend @VidMasterEon @matrix i think he was writing about ideas he found interesting and worthy of consideration, but that he wasn't committed to. instead he extends them out as far as possible, and gives it a setting that justifies whatever extreme variant of the idea he's playing with
and then there's all you zombies and Lord only knows where he was going with that one