Notices by DeadBead (
Nice Crew Goodmorning/Night Kool Kids Krew film club will begin tonight at 5:30 PST/ 8:30 EST with Tim Burton's projection fantasy The Corpse Bride where he, once again, casts his self insert with Johnny Deep and his self insert's romantic interest with his real world wife Helena Bonham Carter.
There will be a 15 minute intermission so you can grab drinks and nibblies, then we will conclude with Tim Burton's projection fantasy Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street where he, once again, casts his self insert with Johnny Depp and his self insert's romantic interest with his real world wife Helena Bonham Carter.
NCD is kind of shitting it's pants right now so I can't pull up the list of @s that are in it and I can't @ the people I know, so if you could repost this and tag this post so I know who to invite I would greatly appreciate it.
@Rose @KiKi88 @Billy_Hughes @Doll
@Rasterman @D-Droid @professionalbigot69 You know the ZOG can be killed too. In fact killing ZOGbots is a moral and just action.
@Rasterman @D-Droid @professionalbigot69 Sure you can. People die when you kill them and it is remarkably easy to do so.
@nugger @synapsid Maybe one day I will find her.
@flux_the_cat @TheWanax @Paultron The jawbone towers aren't going to fill themselves.
@TheWanax @flux_the_cat @Paultron It's so over
@TheWanax @flux_the_cat @Paultron That is the lobby of a plastic surgeon's office in Seoul. The pic is really old, so I figure they must have added in a bunch of new towers by now.
@AWIVR @OceanRedux @Zealist @RowdyRamzan Why is it at her midriff?
@nugger @AWIVR @OceanRedux @Zealist @RowdyRamzan
@OceanRedux @nugger @AWIVR @Zealist @RowdyRamzan Would be a lot cooler if you did
@Shadowbroker2135 @WashedOutGundamPilot @dickflatteningenthusiast
@WashedOutGundamPilot @dickflatteningenthusiast The 'ooru is constantly being updated. Sadly Yakuza, the guy that makes almost all the really high quality art parodies, has significantly slowed his output.
@Granwalder @Silvsilvchan @NailBomb @matrix That is Thailand
@MoralPanic @jeffcliff Jeff Cliff weights like 125lbs, max. Dude is skinny as a crackhead.
@WeissenSocken88 @DEERBLOOD @Tony @coolboymew Cool kids had to sit on their hands because their batteries died after 20 minutes.
@p I thought they rebranded to or something.
@Fullmetal2255 still thinking about this banger
@Zealist @supersid333 @Owl @Twoinchdestroya @WashedOutGundamPilot Yeah it kept fucking up the pilots because it was too OP.
@WeissenSocken88 @Owl @ripcordfire_0091
@Sugizo @pogrommer Redditbrain
They fill their heads with a million useless facts and just mindlessly consume whatever thoughts are pushed their way.
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