@Granwalder @matrix Are we really that far behind?
@Silvsilvchan @matrix its just the temperament. behind, ahead won't change that
@Granwalder @matrix Yeah, apparently Slavs consider it weird that westerners smile a lot as a show of appreciation or affection.
It's the asiatic genes that tend to cause this.
@NailBomb @Silvsilvchan @matrix don't think so, chinks smile all the time.
@Granwalder @NailBomb @matrix Japs not as much, but they still do more than Russians.
@Silvsilvchan @NailBomb @matrix isn't japan called the country of smiles?
@Granwalder @Silvsilvchan @NailBomb @matrix That is Thailand
@Granwalder @NailBomb @matrix I dunno, but I see a lot of them with resting bitch face and a lot of them with shit eating grin in photos. Seems half and half.
@Bead @Granwalder @Silvsilvchan @NailBomb @matrix >Yeah, apparently Slavs consider it weird that westerners smile a lot as a show of appreciation or affection.
We Slavs are autistic and repressed in public space, but become open and heartwarming with family and friends.
The way we think about Westerners who always smiling are either as "naive idiots" or "smug scumbags".
@Bead @Granwalder @Silvsilvchan @NailBomb @matrix Music like this is perfectly capture Slavic everyday mood, lol
@voronesh234 @Bead @Granwalder @NailBomb @matrix If you ever find yourself in a western country, the American South especially, you can get by on not smiling but you have to interact in other ways when someone smiles at you. Wave and nod, smile back for a few seconds, say hello, something.
You don't have to smile 24/7, no one does that, but if someone smiles at you and you don't return the gesture somehow they will think something's wrong, either you're upset because something terrible just happened to you, aren't paying attention or you are angry at them.
I say American South because I've seen stone faced yankees come down here and be both quiet and unexpressive and generally the reaction when they leave is "What are they so mad about? Did I do something to piss them off?"