Notices by Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca (, page 2
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Saturday, 05-Oct-2024 21:44:12 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Tamamo You know what, since it came up and this has been on my mind on an off for a week or so, I wonder...what is it about the childhood friend trope that gets the young, horny and desperate so worked up?
>She'll like me if only I had her entire life up to that point to worm my way into her affections!
It's not very realistic anon...also kinda low self-esteem. Hold yourselves higher, kings. Aim for the transfer student with the big tits and FMC hair. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Saturday, 05-Oct-2024 21:43:34 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@rainignterror1080p @Tamamo Someone have that greentext about Australia's war on rabbits and how it relates to anime? -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 18-Sep-2024 20:47:34 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@MK2boogaloo @teto @ValeOfShadows Let's take a closer look at those legions and auxiliaries...oh no. OH NO. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Sunday, 15-Sep-2024 04:17:59 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@MeanwhileInOhio @Goalkeeper Even IF the Haitians were every positive that they claim they are, we need to confront these disgusting fucks and make them explain why replacing ourselves with these people is a positive for US.
Because among all the weeds of this and that, the fundamental issue is it's still and agenda of ethnic cleansing of Whites from our own countries for insane Jews and their pet Brownseethes. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Sunday, 08-Sep-2024 09:14:33 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@skylar @p @soravu >One moment of weakness
>18 years of child support to a gook for a hapa
Terrifying. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 00:51:44 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@WashedOutGundamPilot @ArdainianRight @VidMasterEon Wishy washy ideas and make-believe funny money alone have never been reliable tools of recruitment.
For all the talk of veteran gibs and stuff that kept Uncle Sam well stocked in warm bodies, it was the notion that American men were fighting for something meaningful. Their nation, etc, that kept them signing up. That fighting miserable wars over there was keeping our families safe back here. Now the military is not only proven to be a fraudulent liar with most of the gibs, even its wishy washy ideas of "freedom and democracy" have soured over the decades as it's clear to anyone with a brain and eyes that it's just for Zio-homo profits and wars for Israel fought with 'goyim' blood.
Surprisingly enough, bombing out weddings of swarthoids in some desert or jungle shithole doesn't in fact keep the family warm and safe. Not while some Jewish NGO is importing the survivors--now bitter refugees--into our own neighborhoods.
Worse, the entire system is now openly, actively hostile to White people.
You'd have to be insane or desperate as a White man to sign up to that. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Saturday, 31-Aug-2024 00:59:07 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@NitroDubs @HoroTheWhiteWolf Whatever stage it is, we can rest assured the Boomers will continue to hug their safe-queens and mutter "muh constitution" as America burns. Not in a flashy large billowing inferno, but a low smouldering sad little chronic feverish flame and embers, something that could easily be put out had anyone bothered. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Saturday, 17-Aug-2024 01:50:05 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@LukeAlmighty @dubbub @Terry Ukraine is materially and manpower wise completely out-classed. Most of its material assets were donated by increasingly pissed off Western taxpayers to boot. It's unsustainable.
Throwing away precious reserves on a pointless raid-in-force into essentially worthless borderland was retarded.
They lacked the air superiority and reliable logistics/reserves to support an attempted Blitzkreig. A strategy that is almost a century old now and was largely considered defunct before the Cold War even began in earnest. And that is even assuming they had a proper sized force. As we're seeing their headlong advance has already been stalled and rolled back. Now they're trying to dig in. These forces will like the rest of the AFU, be pinned down and degraded just in time to see Russia's main forces in the Donbass spread out into open, unprepared country heading towards Zaporizhzhia, at which point the occupied tiny portion of the Kursk region goes from strategically irrelevant to strategically precarious (for Ukraine) to say the least, since that's rare forces that could be better spent trying to cover the approaches deeper into Ukraine.
The time for Ukraine to use its military to improve its negotiating position was sometime between the start of the invasion and when Avdiivka fell.
Ukraine's one advantage is it had enough manpower to drag things out, and yes, bleed Russia bit. That advantage is now all but gone. The country's population has dropped (for all reasons) so much that it's up there with Black Death effects on Europe as a whole in scale.
Ukraine is staring down a full blown unironic volksturm scenario. Old men and little boys. Oh and women, yay Liberalism!
There will be no negotiations with terms favorable to Ukraine, and Zelensky is the epitome of a retarded Jew if he thinks otherwise. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Saturday, 10-Aug-2024 00:34:06 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@WashedOutGundamPilot >Destroys her own life over petty shit
>Wastes money on some hack telling her what she wants to hear
>Dating advice from other women
>Paying for the "pleasure"
>Anyway, forever alone
>Dating older men
>Iredeemed older fuckbois or normal men not taking her bullshit
>Forever alone
>Still wants money from men
Bro. I can't even with these women. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Friday, 19-Jul-2024 10:47:47 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@WashedOutGundamPilot "So why can't you just take 5 minutes to tell your rapist they're doing a good job raping you?"
That's what democracy participationists sound like to me. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2024 07:53:45 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@TrevorGoodchild @AngryWraith Explains why Jews were so big into it... -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Monday, 10-Jun-2024 01:19:43 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@William_The_Dragonborn >White women in current year be like:
>"WTF is she saying, I can't understand her."
Feels bad, man. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Saturday, 08-Jun-2024 09:32:35 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Obfuskation @TrevorGoodchild @dictatordave @jb @pepsi_man @Starprophet1 I want to see a carrier go up like the 4th of July so badly bros you wouldn't even believe. That's the sort of schadenfreude kino at ZOG's expense that would get me half-mast instantly and it wouldn't come down for days. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Wednesday, 22-May-2024 22:20:12 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@TrevorGoodchild @Aly @epictittus @Arkana @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta @Cough @ThePirateQueen They're not quite as bad as Turks (who followed it into a mosque), but yeah. At least those steppe kikes have self-hating coastal Greeks to sort of carry their useless asses a bit. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Thursday, 16-May-2024 02:41:21 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@theorytoe >Looking at join date and history
Ew, Redditor. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Tuesday, 07-May-2024 23:34:07 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@sickburnbro Who would have thought the Dilbert fag would come a good'un? -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Sunday, 14-Apr-2024 00:21:49 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
There are five kinds of trannies.
1. Queers wanting to trap straight men.
2. Straight men who've lost themselves to autogynephilia coom-braining.
3. Girls who got abused and gaslit. Many such cases.
4. Straight up mentally ill people who should be in an asylum.
5. Jews suffering the congenital cognitive effects of generations of inbreeding. These ones are leading the rest by the nose-rings.
That's it. That's the demographic that our entire civilization has been forced like a cordyceps infected ant to prioritise. That forces you to pretend is your equal, like the missing links. -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Monday, 08-Apr-2024 01:35:24 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Terry What were they stupid?
Were they not paying attention to the war at this point?
And WHO are these Americans that somehow think going to Ukraine and dying for the Big Guy's 10% was ever a sane idea??? -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 06:02:22 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Terry Where will the next Great Jew Migration be to? -
Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca ('s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 06:02:20 JST Poastal Enthusiast Alpaca
@Terry I hope they go to India, if they do their genetic lineage will never come back out. They'll just get absorbed and disappear which frankly is best for everyone.