Notices by VidMasterEon (
VidMasterEon ('s status on Friday, 08-Nov-2024 18:53:49 JST VidMasterEon @GrungeQueef @matrix >had you not committed such grave sins, God would not have delivered a punishment like us upon you -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Tuesday, 05-Nov-2024 10:16:47 JST VidMasterEon Seeing what happened to obama reminds me of the CS lewis quote about the devil (and his children) breaking their tools when done with them -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 06-Oct-2024 11:56:03 JST VidMasterEon @M_39 @RealRaul -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Saturday, 28-Sep-2024 00:07:57 JST VidMasterEon @Turkleton In reality: -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Thursday, 26-Sep-2024 23:03:59 JST VidMasterEon @DW2 Punk has mostly been a safe outlet for dissidents to let out their desire to rebel
A padded little playpen that you can flail around in and not cause any real damage to the system -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Thursday, 26-Sep-2024 11:13:21 JST VidMasterEon @NitroDubs @caekislove Leftists view prisons as a warehouse for violent criminals that they can release to terrorize their enemies
Happened in russia and spain
Pineboxing them works against that -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Thursday, 26-Sep-2024 11:13:20 JST VidMasterEon @MartianM00n @NitroDubs @caekislove A high trust society is built on the foundation of hundreds of years of hanging horse theives
Some evolutionary biologists think that the reason Whites are so rules and justice focused is because we eugentically culled the worst criminal deviants from the genepool a millenia ago -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Wednesday, 25-Sep-2024 06:17:02 JST VidMasterEon @DW2 @Hoss Powerless to help you not to punish you -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Friday, 20-Sep-2024 08:07:01 JST VidMasterEon @ArdainianRight @skylar @Eiswald @TornadoOfTerror Even worse
Being productive pentalizes you with more work -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Wednesday, 04-Sep-2024 01:41:06 JST VidMasterEon @sickburnbro My grandfather labored away for decades at an auto plant and carefully invests it so he can pass something on to his children
Some dysgenic commie who cut off his dad because he liked trump: gib me dat -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 02-Sep-2024 04:49:16 JST VidMasterEon @WashedOutGundamPilot Everyone knows the "serve your country" and "be part of something bigger than yourself" rhetoric is a bunch of bullshit so the recruiters just skip to all the gibs you will get
We are a mercenary army in everything but name -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Monday, 02-Sep-2024 04:38:23 JST VidMasterEon @WashedOutGundamPilot Bad news: the military will not be on your side in an armed conflict and will take sadistic pleasure in killing you
Good news: you will not be fighting fellow Whites, you will be fighting obese low iq brownoid mercenaries -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Thursday, 29-Aug-2024 05:25:23 JST VidMasterEon @ChristiJunior @judgedread @admin Even if trump accomplishes nothing he is a good morale boost for our side something that accelerationists and blackpill bedwetters neglect in a fight
You have to give our side some wins (even hollow ones) to keep the average guys head in the game
The winner quits last -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 14-Jul-2024 11:51:12 JST VidMasterEon @threalist Robert E Lee was a "traitor" in their minds because he did not want to kill his friends family and neighbors because lincoln would have told him to -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 07-Jul-2024 08:53:16 JST VidMasterEon @Leinad @PurpCat Can someone explain what is the point of a code of conduct on FOSS software? What stops me from just forking your software, replacing the coc with nigger 6 million times and slapping on the +nigger liscense? A mean email? -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 30-Jun-2024 02:52:58 JST VidMasterEon @Shadowman311 -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Tuesday, 28-May-2024 10:20:23 JST VidMasterEon @Eiswald Come out ye blacks and tans -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 26-May-2024 06:18:12 JST VidMasterEon @ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @LittleTom Get race realism first to restablish White collective identity and you can hit the JQ on the way with culture of critique -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Sunday, 26-May-2024 06:12:26 JST VidMasterEon @LittleTom @ArdainianRight I will take sailer over spic fuentes any day of the week
It is ok for your allies to not 100% ideologically align with you
And the holocaust narrative deprogramming is an long arduous process many are simply incapable of completing -
VidMasterEon ('s status on Friday, 17-May-2024 05:51:20 JST VidMasterEon @Dudebro @Hoss @adiz @fiume Hey libtards want to know how to get your living wage?
Kill all immigration!
Although that is a conflict of interest because commies likwle having a large quantity of dregs to use as foot soldiers for terrorizing their enemies