Notices by Michael Mack (
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2025 22:39:41 JST Michael Mack
@DW2 @TrevorGoodchild @WhitestTemplar @Shlomo He's a fairly regular guest on Dialogue Works as well. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2025 22:34:12 JST Michael Mack
@TrevorGoodchild @WhitestTemplar @Shlomo I like Martyanov. His analysis is good, and he's up front when he's speculating about something he doesn't have deep knowledge about.
He just gets a little tedious with a couple of things. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Friday, 07-Feb-2025 22:53:41 JST Michael Mack
@TrevorGoodchild @MelGibsonafter4Beers @eee @weeble Tue that... and cagey as fuck since he can't rely on brute force. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Wednesday, 18-Dec-2024 14:19:43 JST Michael Mack
A couple of unsolicited dick pics for all of you. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 09-Dec-2024 00:39:18 JST Michael Mack
@TrevorGoodchild @DW2 GAETO's greatest strength is supporting malcontents in causing destruction and mayhem; the biggest downside being that they cause instability, never stability.
The biggest win is for Erdogan's defacto expansion of Turkey into Syria. Evidently he's already turned his army, and the terrorist auxiliaries against the Kurds.
Even if Damascus falls, and Russia/Iran pull everything out, Syria will be an open sore for years to come. It has blowback written all over it. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Wednesday, 13-Nov-2024 00:40:22 JST Michael Mack
@TrevorGoodchild @pirin04 @HonkHonkBoom I never understood the Trump hero worship. I think the problem is that black and white thinking is all too common... whatever opposes what I don't like is the bestest thing EVAR.
I voted for Trump in 2016 as a fuck you to the system. I see him now as a useful tool for further wrecking the system, while trying to manage empire decline and preventing collapse. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Tuesday, 09-Jul-2024 21:11:13 JST Michael Mack
@TrevorGoodchild @NitroDubs I love how they said, "get out"
then the US said, "whatever"
then the Russians rolled into their base
now they're disappearing like a fucking magician -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2024 00:07:05 JST Michael Mack
@judgedread Yup. The American "right" has internalized the greedy merchant jew stereotype. That's why I'm 3/4 rooting for a painful economic collapse. Nothing causes change like necessity. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2024 00:07:05 JST Michael Mack
@judgedread Localized patriarchal family networks, and national acceleration for 6 gorillian, Alex -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 01-Jul-2024 00:07:04 JST Michael Mack
@judgedread I think their advantage is a clear focus on set goals, and the means to achieve them. It keeps them grounded to both reality, and the long term. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Tuesday, 11-Jun-2024 21:49:20 JST Michael Mack
@judgedread True that. As each thing that people "believe in" turns out to be corrupted garbage, very few put the effort into building a new worldview, or way of life, that is well grounded. Most just slide into apathy and despair. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Saturday, 08-Jun-2024 09:32:36 JST Michael Mack
@TrevorGoodchild @dictatordave @jb @pepsi_man @Starprophet1 Now that Russia said that its going to arm groups who are fighting the countries that send weapons to Ukraine, I'm hoping that the Houthis get some anti -ship and anti-air upgrades -
Michael Mack ('s status on Tuesday, 07-May-2024 10:12:16 JST Michael Mack
@TrevorGoodchild @DW2 @judgedread Niggercattle is a good term for them. I'm going to start using that -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 00:33:11 JST Michael Mack
@ArdainianRight @Escoffier @lovelymiss @pyrate @InvictusManeo @Largo @Moddy @thefinn The pioneers and settlers were people who had a strong independent and rebellious streak in them. They would rather carve something out of the wilderness than stay in the shitshow that Europe and the East Coast had become.
Sadly, Americans have in general regressed to the mean, and then some. Those that need to be harnessed are those that still have the independent and rebellious streak, who are willing to band together. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 00:22:15 JST Michael Mack
@Escoffier @lovelymiss @pyrate @InvictusManeo @Moddy It all goes back to the stats on any social upheaval being between small percentages of the population, with the 80%+ majority mostly being the passive "prize" of the winner.
I increasingly wonder how much that ties in with the discussions of how much of the population is "soulless". -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 00:21:48 JST Michael Mack
@Escoffier @lovelymiss @pyrate @InvictusManeo @Moddy Yup. During the 2020 BLM riots, I wanted to put together a small team to just work the periphery and video any criminal acts. The idea was to have video evidence that could be supplied to law enforcement and owners of damaged property.
Every puffed up 2A preaching, gadsen flag waving, 1776 patriot motherfucker that I asked made huffy noises, but wouldn't even consider it. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 00:07:56 JST Michael Mack
@lovelymiss @Moddy @InvictusManeo It's one of the many things that is making clear the fact that if you are being critical of the system (or jews), or doing anything positive for Whites, you should have a lawyer's phone number memorized for when you end up detained. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 00:07:55 JST Michael Mack
@lovelymiss @InvictusManeo @Moddy I was just saying that yesterday about the new anti-semitism legislation. They're starting to turn the screws hard, and every twist is just going to make more people notice.
It's only a matter of time before the real (and ugly) pushback starts. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 00:07:49 JST Michael Mack
@lovelymiss @pyrate @InvictusManeo @Moddy I've been saying that for years. Whites need to form social and economic networks. No big organizations, just people getting together to do everything from gardening, to martial arts, to car repair, and more.
It needs to be something that grows like the grass in sidewalk seams. It's nothing until the roots start to bust up the concrete. -
Michael Mack ('s status on Monday, 08-Apr-2024 10:39:25 JST Michael Mack
@Terry The assumed walk in the park thing seems to be the standard. Turns out that fighting third worlders who are limited to small arms isn't the same as fighting an industrialized peer plus.
Sucks to suck.