Novoroční putování po Itálii, část 9.: První horký pramen.
K prvnímu prameni jsme museli jít pěšky celý den, takže po.koupani nezbylo než přenocovat u ohně v přírodě.
An unlucky child born with a heart condition 17,000 years ago also had the earliest known instance of blue eyes. Based on genetic data from his remains, found in what's now Italy, "the infant most likely had blue eyes, dark skin, and curly dark brown/almost black hair," University of Bologna archeologist Owen Higgins and team write in their paper. Science Alert reports:
Vuoi parlare di Software Libero in Italia? Partecipa all'Italian Community Meeting durante @sfscon la Conferenza del Software Libero in Alto Adige! Scopri novità, condividi esperienze e affronta le sfide future insieme a noi. 🤔
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Join us at the Italian Community Meeting during @sfscon. Discover the latest #FreeSoftware updates in #Italy, share your stories, and discuss future challenges together.
The silence of the countryside, broken only by the songs of birds and the whisper of the wind through the trees, is the perfect setting for a #SilentSunday
Italy’s far-right party proposed using AI to assign youth mandatory jobs.
“The young person will no longer be able to choose whether to work or not, but [will be] bound to accept the job offer for himself (sic), for his family and for the country, under penalty of loss of all benefits.”
Italian singer Ghali said "Stop the Genocide" during a music festival seen by over 13 mil people.
The Israeli ambassador complained about his "shameful message of hate" and that Ghali "should not have used the stage to say such 'provocative' things."
Ghali's response was clear: "What the ambassador said is awful. He's adding to the politics of terror where Italians are afraid they might lose their jobs, their reputations if they say 'Long Live Peace," which is absurd." #Italy#Ghali#Genocide
Astronauts from Turkey, Italy and Sweden return to Earth, ending private space station trip.
AP reports the three countries "financed the mission, paying roughly $55 million apiece. It was Axiom’s third private mission to the space station; the fourth is planned later this year."
Evening is descending upon Mantova, Italy. Like every day for the past 2000 years, the city is preparing to slumber. The last rays of the sun are casting their final glow upon the tranquil waters, which flow with a soothing, melodic murmur.
And I ponder how many things, people, and events those waters have mirrored. A new morning will arrive, bathing those ancient bricks in fresh light, just as it has for the last 2000 years.
In the gentle embrace of twilight, nature orchestrates a symphony of elements. Water, still as glass, mirrors the fiery kiss of the setting sun, cradling the reflection of Earth's slumbering giants, the trees stripped of their verdant glory. Air, the unseen maestro, whispers through the branches, composing a silent lullaby that speaks of the day's end. Like a moment suspended in time, a tender pause between the rush of days, reminding us of the quiet majesty that cradles our bustling lives.